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根据满意度的文献,有两个主要的解释满意度作为一个程序和满意度的结果[ 1 ]。一些早期的概念的满意度研究一般定义的满意度作为后选择的评价决策有关的详细的购买选择([ 2 ];[ 3 ];[ 5 ];[ 6 ])。最广泛的模型,其满意度的作用不一致,这在旋转,是一种双方的期望和性能[ 2 ]功能。

[ 7 ]在不同意,满意度与绩效挂钩的落实前景第一,而不满发生时性能低于前景。此外,[ 8 ]视图的满意度作为观察到的和所需的之间的差异。这是符合价值感知差距理论[ 9 ]是针对问题开发的客户可以满意方面的前景不存在[ 10 ]。顾客想要他们的价值观(需要和想要)和他们的评价的对象之间的关系[ 1 ]。最近,新的注意力一直集中在满足情感,实现和状态的性质[ 1 ]。

作为一个结果,目前的文学增加了这一点上的观点在两种方式。首先,虽然传统的模型完全假设,客户满意度是从根本上的认知过程的结果,新的概念的发展提供了情感的过程也可能会显着的描述和预测的消费者满意度([ 12 ];[ 14 ];[ 13 ])。第二,满意度应被视为一个决定的基础上增加的经验与有保证的产品或服务,而不是一个特定交易的发生[ 15 ]。有全球整合:满意度是一个人的意见或不满导致享受通过比较产品宣称的性能(或结果)相对于他或她的前景[ 16 ]。基于这种评估,客户满意度被定义为一个认知和情感评价的影响,在一些评价基准相比,在性能上的表示。


According to literature of satisfaction, there are two principal interpretations of satisfaction as a procedure and satisfaction as a result [1]. Some early concepts of satisfaction research have generally defined satisfaction as a post choice evaluative decision relating to a detailed purchase choice ([2]; [3]; [4]; [5]; [6]). The most broadly established model, in which satisfaction is a role of disconfirmation, which in revolves, is a function of both expectations and performance [2].

[7] Were among the first to disagree that satisfaction is linked with performance that fulfils prospect, while dissatisfaction occurs when performance falls below prospect. In addition, [8] view satisfaction as a discrepancy between the observed and the desired. This is consistent with value-percept disparity theory [9] which was developed in response to the problem that customers could be pleased by aspects for which prospect never existed [10]. Customers want a relation between their values (needs and wants) and the object of their evaluations [1]. More recently, renewed attention has been focused on the nature of satisfaction emotion, fulfilment and state [1].

As a consequence, current literature adds to this point of view in two ways. First, though traditional models utterly suppose that customer satisfaction is fundamentally the result of cognitive processes, new conceptual developments offer that affective processes might also give significantly to the description and prediction of consumer satisfaction ([12]; [13]; [14]). Second, satisfaction should be viewed as a decision based on the increasing experience made with a assured product or service rather than a transaction-specific occurrence [15]. There is worldwide conformity that: Satisfaction is a person’s opinion of enjoyment or dissatisfaction resulting from comparing a product’s professed performance (or outcome) in relative to his or her prospect [16]. Based on this reassess, customer satisfaction is defined as the effect of a cognitive and sentimental assessment, where some evaluation benchmark is compared to the within fact professed performance.

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