站点图标 澳洲论文代写




In the first place, we have the area of knowledge of Natural Sciences, “Science has nothing to do with ‘proof’ and everything to do with evidence” [5] – Andy Fletcher. This quote reflects on the claim that “knowledge is a justified true belief”. For example I may believe that smoking is bad for your health, since you are inhaling toxic fumes instead of oxygen. There is evidence which backs up my belief stating that cigarettes increase the risk of lung cancer; however it is not proven that cigarettes cause lung cancer. So it can be deduced that the area of knowing of Natural sciences, strongly depends of the use of evidence in order to support a belief. However how do we gather evidence? Reasoning is one of the primary ways of knowing when it comes to formulating beliefs or hypotheses. For example, during my biology coursework, when investigating the effect of light on photosynthesis, I believed that more light would increase the rate of photosynthesis. As shown, reasoning is vital when it comes to formulating a hypothesis because there must be a reason why I believe that light will affect the rate of photosynthesis, this was given to me by secondary knowledge which I had acquired from my biology teachers and biology books, however is this knowledge reliable? The scientist will use their knowledge of science and secondary knowledge in order to make a hypothesis. The scientific method is implemented to test hypotheses and a conclusion is drawn from the results collected making my original theory true or false. In my biology coursework I then carried out a scientific method in which I tested two plants with different light intensities, and then recorded my results in a chart, my results showed that by increasing the light intensity the rate of photosynthesis will increase as well, to a certain extent, therefore the evidence shown by the experiment support my belief, and therefore it can be a valid statement to say that increasing light intensity to a certain extent will result with an increase in rate of photosynthesis.