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Henson信托基金源于安大略省。在80年代,一个名叫Leonard Henson的人住在Guelph地区,有一个女儿叫Audrey。奥黛丽是一个发展性残疾的人,她住在一个集体的家。 Leonard认识到,如果他直接将其遗产留给其女儿,它将超过家庭福利津贴(现称为安大略残疾支持计划)规定的允许资产限额。




The Henson Trust had its roots from Ontario. During the80’s, a man by the name of Leonard Henson who lived in the Guelph area, had a daughter named Audrey. Audrey was a person with a developmental disability and she resided in a group home. Leonard recognized that if he left his estate directly to his daughter, it would surpass the allowable asset limits as set out by the Family Benefits Allowance (now called the Ontario Disability Support Program).

Wills require the creation of an Absolute Discretionary Trust like an agency, and the person the trust is for as the beneficiary of the trust. When you die, your Will instructs that the remaining funds in the Trust to be passed on to chosen agency. Because the trust cannot be counted as an asset it insures your loved one receive the money when you die.

This definition of individualized funding has served as the measure for calculating how close any service or program that is called individualized funding comes to meeting the model. Many individualized funding programs are not truly individualized because they are not founded on the needs of the individual. These kinds of programs are more appropriately called direct funding because, although the funds are paid directly to the individual or family, it is a static amount that is set by government without reference to individual need. Individualized funding means self-management, or the management by trusted representatives, of the funding intended for personal supports for an individual with a developmental disability. Individualized funding works greatest when it begins with the individual’s goals and that individual requires specific needs related to how much money.

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