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在时间的演变,人们一直在寻找替代品的替代品的开发自然资源,从而导致生物多样性减少(2010苏仁德拉Sekar,)。从狩猎、森林砍伐到建筑生态系统的建设,两者在自然环境中的出现一直是户外休闲娱乐的根源。对社会有好处,户外休闲参与的谱,一个国家的经济和环境的影响,一直伪装,它产生的生态系统。通过奥康、Potter,柯托伊斯研究Dyment,卡思伯森(2005)可以作为一个支持上述观点,因为他们认为户外游憩的几个生态陷阱的根源,包括气候变化、物种和水土流失。尽管事实上,户外休闲是对环境的一种挑战,当考虑到它所产生的社会效益和经济效益,更重要的,它有助于身体活动和健康的改善(科恩,麦肯齐,Sehgal,威廉姆森,Golinelli和Lurie,2007;戈德比,次日,2007)。事实上,户外休闲在很大程度上依赖于自然区域,消耗自然资源包括空间地低估金额(奥康et al.,2005),因此,导致人类活动造成的生物多样性迅速减少(2010苏仁德拉Sekar,)。即使被分配给环境以确保其可持续性的关注,已由巴特勒和waldbrook批评(2003),冒险的人气,自然和户外的旅行者都经历了繁荣和人民冒险涉入有反响的微妙的生态平衡(克拉克,1988)。而以户外休闲为临界角,可以说没有任何阴影,不确定性,很多研究即是由巴特勒waldbrook进行(2003)和哈罗和曼宁(2011),说明交通运输的重要性作为户外休闲的基本环节。因此,批判性的争论,运输确实是环境压力源的来源,产生的污染,噪音,甚至是植物和动物的问题源。尽管许多研究已在外部环境进行说明的户外休闲的重要性和成本,当着重于毛里求斯的语境下,更具体地说,冒险乐园,没有证据显示支持户外休闲的重要性及其对经济增长的贡献,社会和环境方面的。


Throughout the evolution of time, Men have been looking for alternatives over alternatives to exploit the natural resources, which as a result have led to the depletion of the biodiversity (Surendran and Sekar, 2010). From hunting, deforestation to construction of building within the ecosystem, the emergence of both in the natural surrounding has been root of outdoor recreation. The spectrum of benefits that involvement in outdoor recreation have on the society, environment and economy of a country, have been camouflaging the impacts that it generates on the ecosystem. Studies conducted by O’Connell, Potter, Curthoys, Dyment and Cuthbertson (2005) can be used as a backbone to support the above argument, as they viewed outdoor recreation as the root of several ecological pitfalls, including climate change, loss of species and soil erosion. Despite the fact that outdoor recreation represents a challenge to the environment, when taking into account the benefits that it generates on the society and economy, are far more important, as it contributes to physical activity and improved health (Cohen, McKenzie, Sehgal, Williamson, Golinelli and Lurie, 2007; Godbey and Morrow, 2007). The fact that outdoor recreation relies heavily on natural area, consuming an underestimate amount of natural resources including space like Land ( O’Connell et al., 2005), hence, leading to the rapid depletion of the biodiversity due to human activities (surendran and sekar, 2010). Even though great concerns are being allocated to the environment to ensure its sustainability, It has been criticised by Butler and Waldbrook (2003) that the popularity of adventure, naturalist and outdoor travellers have experienced a boom and involvement of people in adventure has had its repercussion on the delicate ecological balance (Clarke, 1988). While taking outdoor recreation into a critical angle, it can be opined without any penumbra of uncertainty that, many studies namely those carried out by Butler and Waldbrook (2003) and Hallo and Manning (2011), have illustrated the importance of transport as fundamental link to outdoor recreation. Hence, critically arguing, transport is indeed a source of environment stressor that generates pollution, noise and even source of problem to flora and fauna. Even though much research has been conducted in external context to illustrate the importance and costs of outdoor recreation, when emphasis is being laid to the Mauritian context, more specifically, Adventure Park, no evidence has been emerged to support the importance of outdoor recreation and its contribution on the Economic, Social and Environmental aspect.

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