站点图标 澳洲论文代写




The chosen concept to plan the lesson on is materials and their properties. I know from my own knowledge that students and children learn and maintain learning abilities through experiences and the use of their senses, I thought that its best to let them touch on subjects which are made up of different materials that are present in class such as rulers. Children’s own t-shirts, windows, chairs and other objects which children question in a way that they feel comfortable in, including .How the materials feel like (softness, roughness, hardness, as well as the shininess, ability to float, whether they are magnetic or not), name the common types of material (metal, plastic, wood, wool, paper, rocks), about the uses of a variety of materials for example glass, woods, wool.Using ICT is the best way to start my lesson after asking the children questions, I could buy, borrow software packages or use online resources which contain words and picture about different materials and subjects connected to the smart board where all the children can watch the board easily, in order to help children to learn the names of materials I will try to seek the software or online resource with the presence of sound.I prefer to use resources which contain questions and answers within, picture and explanation of materials and their properties, for instance: what is an oven made from, why we use an oven; can we cook food with a plastic oven, why yes? Why not? And other kind of questions which are related to the use of materials and their properties, in addition I have to be very careful in meeting the science enquiry in key stage one.