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外部威胁密切地影响着革命进程。革命战争从1792年开始,最终以法国的胜利,促进了意大利半岛,征服西部低地国家和大部分领土的莱茵成就centuries.internally躲避之前的法国政府,激进的革命大大流行风潮,罗伯斯庇尔和雅各宾派的崛起。从1793年到1794年,在恐怖统治时期,公共安全委员会强制实行的独裁统治,使法国境内多达4万人的死亡,废除了殖民地的奴隶制度,并使新共和国的边界免受敌人的威胁。恐怖统治结束时,罗伯斯庇尔和其他主要的雅各宾派的领导人在热中起义中被推翻,这是一个被称为“目录”的执行委员会,于1795年控制了法国,直到1799年才掌权。由于被指控腐败,在1799年拿破仑·波拿巴(napoleon Bonaparte)领导的政变中,该目录被推翻,被广泛认为是革命的最后一年,拿破仑继续建立了领事馆,后来又建立了第一个帝国,为拿破仑战争中更广泛的全球冲突奠定了基础.


External threats closely shaped the course of the revolution. The revolutionary wars beginning in 1792 ultimately featured French victories that facilitated the conquest of the Italian peninsula, the low countries and most territories west of rhine –achievements that had eluded previous French governments for centuries.internally,popular agitation radicalized therevolution significantly,culminating in the rise of maximilien Robespierre and the jacobins.the dictatorship imposed by the committee of public safety during the reign of terror,from 1793 until 1794,caused up to 40,000 deaths inside france abolished slavery in the colonies and secured the borders of the new republic from its enemies.the reign of terror ended with the overthrow and executive of Robespierre and the other leading jacobins in the thermidorian reaction,an executive council known as the directory then assumed control of the French state in 1795 and held power until 1799.dogged by charges of corruption,the directory collapsed in a coup led by napoleon Bonaparte in 1799,widely seen as the final year of the revolution,napoleon went on to establish the consulate and later the first empire,setting the stage for a wider array of global conflicts in the Napoleonic wars.