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千年发展目标的目标是降低儿童死亡率。许多研究表明,教育,尤其是女性,显著改善了家庭健康、营养和减少了5岁之前死亡的儿童数量。在菲律宾的一项研究表明初级教育的母亲将儿童死亡率降低了将近50% !许多人认为发展是解决所有问题的关键。有人还说,通过降低儿童死亡率来降低儿童的生育率是发展的关键,因此可以说教育是将所有这些因素联系在一起的关键因素。目标五是改善孕产妇健康。如前所述,教育与改善孕产妇健康有关。教育妇女是防止她们死亡的最好办法之一。联合国教科文组织报道,“世界上最危险的地方是尼日尔,那里的妇女在死亡中面临1 / 7的几率。”每年有超过一半的妇女死于分娩。产前教育可以极大地减少妇女分娩时死亡的机会。这也改善了儿童和后代的生活。


Goal four of the MDGs is to reduce child mortality. Research shows in numerous studies that education, specifically of women, significantly improves family health, nutrition, and reduces the number of children who die before the age of five. One study in the Philippines reveals that a mother with primary education lowers the child mortality rate by nearly fifty percent! Development is considered by many to be the key to solving all the problems. It is also said that reducing child fertility, by lowering child mortality, is the key to development, so one could say education is a key player in linking all of these factors together. Goal five focuses on improving maternal health. As mentioned previously, education is linked to improving maternal health. Educating the women is one of the best ways to prevent them from dying. The UNESCO reports, “The world’s most dangerous place to give birth is Niger, where women face a 1 in 7 chance in fatality.” Over half of a million women die each year in childbirth. Prenatal education can tremendously combat the chances of women dying in childbirth. This also improves the lives of the children and future generations.