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除了依靠卫生部门对学生的心理健康问题进行监控,大学还需要增加对学生的支持服务,帮助他们解决心理健康问题。由于受影响的学生人数不断增加,已经建立的处理心理健康问题的支助服务不堪重负。IPPR进行的一项研究发现,四分之一的学生正在使用或等待使用咨询服务。利兹大学的研究发现,心理健康服务的需求增加了50%,而伯明翰大学在过去的十年中,心理健康服务的需求每年增长5-6% (Burns, 2017)。大学需要优先考虑心理健康问题,并投入更多的资源和努力来遏制这些问题。此外,大学需要改善学生获得国民健康服务(NHS)的机会。综上所述,从以上讨论中可以明显地看出,考虑到受影响学生的病例不断增加,大学中的心理健康问题是一个需要更加认真对待的主要问题。心理健康问题源于不同的学生压力,比如第一次独立生活,管理增加的工作量,额外的工作职责,以及飞涨的大学费用。学生可能会经历不同的心理健康问题,如抑郁、压力、焦虑和饮食失调。各大学应加强努力,建立适当的支援服务,以处理日益增多的学生心理健康问题个案。


Besides relying on health authorities to monitor mental health issues among students, universities need to increase support services that should look after their own students to help them deal with mental health issues. The already established support services that deal with mental health issues are overwhelmed by the increasing number of students affected. A study conducted by IPPR found out that one in four students is using or waiting to use counseling services. In Leeds University, the study found out that there was a 50% increase in demand of mental health services, while the University of Birmingham there has been an annual increase of 5-6% for the past 10 years in need of the services (Burns, 2017). Universities need to prioritize mental health issues and channel more resources and effort towards curbing the issues. Additionally, universities need to improve students’ access to National Health Service (NHS).In summary, it is evident from the above discussion that mental health issues among university is a major concern that should be taken more seriously given the rising cases of the affected students. Mental health issues stem from different student pressures like living independently for the first time, managing an increased workload, additional work responsibilities, and soaring university cost. Students may experience different mental health issues like depression, stress, anxiety, and eating disorders. Universities need to increase their efforts towards establishing the right support services to handle increasing cases of students experiencing mental health issues.