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It is a proven fact that educational games boost learning abilities for teens. It has already been discussed how action games improve visionary and spatial skills. Video games have also been used successfully to teach children self-care skills for treating their asthma and diabetes. Video games also help teenagers to relax their mind. It is an excellent escape route from the routine study schedule and monotonous school or college schedule. There is some evidence that playing computer games improves hand-eye coordination. There is some evidence that playing fast paced action games improves people’s eyesight. Some games involve physical activity, like those with wireless remote or dancing games, and this provides some exercise. But these games are not a good enough substitute for normal exercise according to some researchers. Being a good gamer is a source of self-esteem for some young people. It can improve a person’s self confidence as well. Most games require some form of problem solving abilities which helps stimulate the mind.

Preponderance of evidence links violent video games to an increase in aggressive behavior in teens. Violent video games increased the likelihood of aggression and decreased empathy. It has been proven that teenage girls who play violent video games during their school years get as affected as boys do. Evidence suggests that long-term players of violent games may become more likely to react aggressively to unintentional provocations such as someone accidentally bumping into them. Playing video games close to bedtime can act like a jolt of caffeine to young children, making them more likely to experience difficulty falling asleep, nightmares, and daytime fatigue. Video games interrupt the “winding down” process by overexciting young teenagers. Violent video games appeared to contribute to sleep problems as well, even if the teenagers played them during the daytime.