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Studies have also proven that youth of adolescent age group have their brain functions altered as a result of playing violent games. After playing a violent video game for just 30 minutes, they tend to experience an increased activity in the part of the brain involved with the emotional arousal and also a decreased activity associated with self control in the part of the brain. This study proves to be prominent in establishing a link between the activities of brain and the type of games children play. While these facts extracted from different studies do not produce conclusive evidence that violent computer or video games generate violent behaviors in children, but it definitely opens up the potential for an in depth research in the proposed field of study.Different studies quote that violent computer and video games are a distinct threat to children, because they provoke children to an aggressive behavior, desensitization to violence, nightmares and fears of being harmed by others. And moreover, the games that allow the player directly to initiate any violent and devastating acts prove to be even more of a threat to the healthy and civilized growth of a child. It was quoted that there is an increase of about 13 to 22 percent of adolescent population that has been observed to exhibit violent behaviors, at instants, who are indulged in playing violent video games. Studies have proven that computer and video games can be addictive. This fact adds to the issue by signifying that not only will children be playing violent games, but they will also be exposed to the violent acts and scenarios for long periods of time. Repetition of these acts may be within the games but in reality it increases the negative effects externally on the children playing violent games.