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日本工业的扩张,包括纺织业在内的轻工业,这些都是为国外所需原材料和钢铁和造船等重工业所必需的。随着越来越多的日本人从务农到工厂和办公室的工作,城市发展壮大。在农村,较大的地主拥有越来越多的土地,贫穷的佃户数量也增加了。一直依赖对外贸易的日本在1929年开始的世界大萧条中遭受重创。那些种植了出口到美国的丝绸的农民们,在兴旺的二十年代没有发现他们的产品市场,而随着股票市场的崩溃,对丝袜的狂热也崩溃了。日本经济急剧增长放缓,社会问题加剧,尤其是在农村地区。与此同时,日本帝国的领导人追求现代化和经济增长,他们继续解决日本在国际秩序中地位不平等的问题。1894年,日本海军准将向外界开放了40多年,日本终于成功地修改了不平等条约,使其恢复了与西方列强的合法地位。在甲午战争(1894 ~ 1895)中,日本在朝鲜战争中击败了中国,日本战胜了韩国,也获得了台湾和澎湖岛。在日俄战争中,日本与俄罗斯就俄罗斯向东侵占亚洲展开了战争。1910年,日本扩张了其帝国,吞并了朝鲜。日本成为一个庞大的帝国。


Japanese industry expanded, both in light export industries like textiles, which were necessary to pay for the raw materials needed from abroad, and also in heavy industries like steel and shipbuilding. Cities grew, as more Japanese moved from farming into jobs in factories and offices. In the countryside larger landlords came to own more and more land, and the number of poor tenants increased. Always dependent on foreign trade, Japan was hard hit by the world depression that began in 1929. The farmers who had grown the silk that was exported to the United States found no market for their product once the roaring twenties and the craze for silk stockings collapsed with the stock market crash. Japan’s dramatic economic growth slowed, and social problems increased, especially in the countryside. At the same time that the leaders of imperial Japan pursued modernization and economic growth, they continued to address the issue of Japan’s unequal status in the international order. In 1894, more than forty years after Commodore Perry pried Japan open to the outside world, Japan finally succeeded in revising the unequal treaties so that it regained its legal parity with the Western powers. In Sino-Japanese War(1894~1895), Japan defeated China in the war for Korea, Japan over the control of Korea and also gained Taiwan and Penghu island. In Russo-Japanese War, Japan went to war with Russia over Russian eastward encroachment in Asia, and in 1910, Japan expanded its empire, annexing Korea. Japan became a huge empire.