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Another barrier children also face is over protective parents, treating their children childlike and unable. Therefore it is often a great concern for parents when their disabled child starts to express and assert themselves. For many disabled children it is important part of their life to express their identity and feeling (inclusion.uwe.ac.uk 2009). The aims of the Multi Agency Services are to work for disabled children. The services are to provide families with an effective team of supporters to help families in managing their disabled children’s complex health care needs at home. The multi agency is working and making a significant difference to children and their families. However a number of social and emotional barriers for families still remain. (pg 78 making a difference). Mainly families still struggle with daily routines (such as sleep deprivation) to trying to sort out social activities for themselves and their disabled child. The multi agency service had enabled families to short breaks and day trips to elevate some of the pressure of being their child’s twenty four hour carer. There are also some families with a disabled child or children who receive no support with help in calming benefits despite being on a low income. Some families felt that there was a lack of co-ordination and flexible support from the multi agency services thus leaving them to suffer emotional pressure.