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澳洲墨尔本犯罪学作业代写 口贩运受害者保护法


澳洲墨尔本犯罪学作业代写 口贩运受害者保护法

Another problem with the actual detection and reporting of a sex trafficking case by law enforcement is the way human trafficking is defined as per the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) signed into law in 2000. With the lack of training by local law enforcement officers and the wording within the TVPA of illegal immigrant most law enforcement will quickly move to the violation of illegally crossing the border instead of being forced to become a part of a commercial sex trafficking ring (Hepburn & Simon, 2010). When in reality citizens within this country are being trafficked into the commercial sex industry at alarming rates. It is also important to note that most states have different laws, policies, and definitions when it comes to the trafficking of humans, thus, greatly reducing the connections made to stop sex traffickers from state to state. This lack of interpretation of laws from state to state leads to misconceptions of the actual number of sex trafficking or human trafficking cases in the United States. The human trafficking trade has been a profitable and relatively low-risk crime up until the last decade or so because of the difficulty of detecting the criminal scheme. This is mainly because of the targets of the trafficker’s target and how quickly they are utilized or sold within the confines of the network, this is especially true in the sex trafficking world. Another looming problem for law enforcement officers in detection of sex traffickers and used against the those exposed to it are the forcing of them to commit criminal acts themselves making them feel they need to elude law enforcement hurting their chances of escaping detection. Victims seem to become intertwined within an underground society of other trafficked individuals because of the feeling of belonging to some type of society.

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