站点图标 澳洲论文代写


感知地图可以被公司用来评估它在消费者心目中的感知位置。上面的感知地图显示了各种热水器品牌,给出了特定细分市场的感知。感知轴是品牌认知度和主要竞争对手的市场份额。在知觉图上有三种主要的分类。Solahart, Rheem和Edwards是高知名度的公司,在太阳能热水器行业拥有主要的市场份额。中度认可集团是指市场份额适中的公司,如Dux、EcoSmart、Rinnai等。最后一个群体是认知度较低的群体,其市场份额较小,如Quantum和Solco。综上所述,行业分析有助于公司了解可再生能源设备市场的宏观和微观环境。这表明,可再生能源市场份额潜力巨大,澳大利亚政府非常关注通过提供退税计划来减少气体排放,以支持家庭用户转向环保的可再生能源设备。除此之外,细分、定位和定位策略促使公司以正确的营销组合策略瞄准正确的市场,确保公司在消费者心中处于合适的感性定位。随着消费者需求的满足,对可再生能源设备的需求将会增加。因此,政府的目标是鼓励使用可再生能源,而不是电力和天然气将实现。


A perceptual map could be used by the company to assess its perceptual position in its consumers’ mind. The perceptual map above shows a variety of water heater brands to give the perception of that particular market segment. The perceptual axels are Brand Recognition Level and Market Share of the main competitors. There are three major groupings shown on the perceptual map. Solahart, Rheem and Edwards are companies in the high recognition group, owning the major market shares in the solar water heater industry. The moderate recognition group are companies with moderate market shares such as Dux, EcoSmart, Rinnai. The last group is the low recognition group with minor market share companies such as Quantum and Solco.In conclusion, the industry analysis is to help the company to understand the macro and microenvironment of the renewable energy device market. It shows that there is a large potential of market share in renewable as the Australia Government is very concerned about reducing the gas emission by providing a rebate scheme to support household user to switch to renewable energy device as it is environmental friendly. Besides that, the segmentation, targeting and positioning strategy drive the company to target the right market with right marketing mix strategy and to make sure the company is in appropriate perceptual positioning in consumer minds. As the consumer needs are met, the demand towards the renewable energy devices would increase. Therefore, the aim of the government that is encouraging the use of renewable energy instead of electric and gas will be achieved.