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我最近在Prabhu博士的带领下开始的另一个项目是一个叫做否定语言的概念。有时,通过说它不是什么来定义它比它是什么更容易。正义就是一个例子;说什么是正义比什么是正义更容易。我使用析取逻辑编程来使用DLVk Java包装器来解决这个问题。通常,确定一个特解是否最优比找到最优解更容易。我们的目标是有效地解决这类问题。现在,我也在接近我生命中另一个分水岭的决定——学习更高更深的计算机科学领域,进入AI或生物信息学等领域的研究。在博士项目下,我将有足够的空间将我的想法和想法转化为现实,通过应用到真正的问题。如果我成功了,这将建立我的自信。否则,如果我在一个特定的应用程序中失败了,我将在下一步找到原因并修改它。事实上,我期待着在我的博士生涯中有一次深入而富有挑战性的实践经验。攻读博士学位也会让我有机会参加关于我所选择的领域的会议和研讨会,我将能够听取该领域的专家的意见,并与他们进行互动。这肯定会使我丰富我的知识,并使我不断了解最新的发展。此外,我相信博士项目会帮助我提高对问题的独立思考和分析能力。这对我以后的职业生涯很重要,当我立志要解决自己的问题,建立自己的团队。


Another project I recently started under Dr. Prabhu is on a concept called negative-language. At times it is easier to define something by saying what it’s not than what it is. One such example is justice; it’s easier to say what justice isn’t than what it is. I am using Disjunctive logic programming to work on this problem using DLVk Java Wrapper. Often it’s easier to decide whether a particular solution is optimal or not, than to find the optimal solution. Our goal is to solve this kind of problems effectively.Now I am also closing in on a yet another watershed decision in my life – of studying higher and deeper into the area of computer science and get into research in fields like AI, or Bioinformatics. Under the Ph.D. program I will get enough scope to translate my thinking and ideas to reality by application to the real problem. This will build up my self-confidence if I am successful. Otherwise, if I fail in a particular application I will get scope to find the reasons and modify it in the next step. Actually, I’m looking forward to an in-depth and challenging hands-on experience in my Ph.D. career. Being on a Ph.D. program will also provide me the opportunity to attend conferences and symposium on my chosen area and I will be able to listen to the experts in the area as well as have interactions with them. This will certainly enable me to enrich my knowledge and keep myself updated on the recent developments. Moreover, I believe that the Ph.D. program will help me to enhance my independent thinking and analysis of a problem. This will be of much importance to me in the next career step, when I aspire to take up my own problem and build up own group.