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全球化的移民动机及其对劳动力市场的具体影响,清楚地表明了一种可能性,即剥削是可能的。最近的一次工会大会(2007a)报告看是否伤害了移民迁移。他们的结论是,尽管雇主的优势和直接的优势通过一些农民工感知,也存在明显的问题无论是在宏观和微观。例如,世界银行(2005)审查了国际劳工流动对全球经济的影响。这发现,移徙工人自己当然是更好的工作以外,他们自己的国家,但是,移民留在同一国家实际上更糟糕的长期。然而,更具体地看英国的情况,揭示了一个关于移民工人问题的更加复杂的图景。许多研究试图考察外来务工人员的实际工作条件。从健康和安全执行报告一直在密切关注风险的类型,农民工在工作场所暴露(McKay et al.,2006)。这些作者指出,一些以前的证据表明,移徙工人在工作场所面临大量剥削。例如,劳伦斯(2004)指出,食品工业是如何利用外来务工人员来降低成本和提高生产率的。也出现了一系列引人注目的案件,其中移徙工人在工作中受伤。在这最糟糕的2004, 23名中国工人在莫克姆湾失去了生命,而当他们被拾贝涨潮。


The motives for migration in terms of globalisation and its specific effects on the labour market clearly set up a situation in which exploitation is a possibility. A recent Trades Union Congress (2007a) report looked at whether migration hurts migrants. They conclude that despite the advantages for employers and the immediate advantages perceived by some migrant workers, there are also significant problems faced both at the macro- and microlevels. The World Bank (2005), for example, has examined the effects on worldwide economics of the international flow of labour. This finds that migrant workers themselves are certainly better off working outside their own country, however, migrants who stay in the same country actually do worse over the long-term. Looking more specifically at the situation in the UK, though, reveals a much more mixed picture about the question of migrant workers. A variety of studies have attempted to look at the actual working conditions of migrant workers. A report from the Health and Safety Executive has looked closely at the types of risks to which migrant workers are exposed in the workplace (McKay et al., 2006). These authors point out that some previous evidence suggests that migrant workers face significant levels of exploitation in the workplace. Lawrence (2004), for example, has pointed to how the food industry has used migrant workers in order to drive down costs and increase productivity. There have also been a series of high profile cases in which migrant workers have been injured at work. In the worst of these at Morecambe Bay in 2004, 23 Chinese workers lost their lives while picking cockles when they were caught in rising tides.