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澳洲商科assignment代写 违规行为


澳洲商科assignment代写 违规行为

As engineers, we believe the most efficient solution(s) and preventative measures for all three breaches of conduct would have been a clearer means of communication. Whether it is the employee persisting with his manager more and standing up for the universal public’s safety, or if it is his boss holding more open “office hours” so that communication can be handled over a period of time and not just in a single thirty-minute rushed session of “briefing” versus “discussing” the matter at hand. There is also a fear for employees of losing their jobs if they cannot meet a technical deadline on time. This creates a gap in communication since the employee is too scared to stand up for what is right as they can only prioritize personal security over universal safety. The solution to this is to prioritize health and safety above all when creating these products. If the employees know they are not at risk for voicing what is right then they will be more prone to standing up for it since their personal security and well-being is not put at risk for doing so. Due to the weak employer and employee bridge of communication, they also created an issue of the two of them voicing their miscommunication over news media. This looks extremely unprofessional in the public eye and makes it obvious of how far of a gap there was when communicating the matters of public safety. This kind of gap shows the public how lowly prioritized their safety was in the making of their product. The unprofessionalism creates even worse publicity for the company. If the line of communication was clearer between the two (where they felt comfortable talking to each other face-to-face and solving issues together as such), then the public passive-aggressive confrontation could have been prevented as well.

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