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It maintains a good ethical relationships with staff and community too, and ascertain equality among all, staff members are even rewarded for their work and provides them with enormous benefits, it also make certain to provide them health security in the community where it maintains a state involving mutual connectedness. It support ngo’s,recently in Leeds met India they along with the support of students organized a show to entertain the children’s of an ngo which works for the welfare of children’s ,this shows that how socially responsible they are.It sustain environment by consuming less energy, using efficient transport, meeting the required needs of the environment and keep a check on how things could be made even better.While comparing we have seen that there are various strata’s of responsibility where both Aviva and Leeds work to meet there goals and work for the welfare of the society, they both are very similar to each other in various perspectives, talking on the broader viewpoint toady companies have moved beyond a threshold, they have accepted the fact that beyond profits there is a political, social and environmental dimension to their activities that cannot be ignored.