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Willy生活中的一个消极影响是他的朋友无力面对他的问题。是威利的妻子造成了他最大的伤害。在她徒劳的企图保护威利,她实际上允许他的最终死亡。她的过失的第一个迹象是Willy的一个闪回。威利吹牛,“我在普罗维登斯五百毛和七百毛在波士顿”(35)。但是,当琳达开始计算他的佣金,价值迅速减少到“约二百总行程”(35)。琳达看到发生了什么,但没有面对他。一个非常类似的情况发生在他们的生活后,她发现Willy不再是薪水,而是借钱每周从Charley。她再也不会面对他了。在这些情况下,没有面对威利,琳达允许他进一步陷入他的虚假现实中。但琳达犯了一个更糟的错误,允许威利自杀。她承认他的自杀倾向,当她说,“他一直试图自杀”(58)。她告诉男孩们,她在地下室找到了橡皮软管,但她仍然不会面对威利。另一个不能直接面对Willy的角色是威利的老板Howard Wagner。霍华德允许威利保住他的工作,但不付给他报酬。如果他解雇了他,这将迫使Willy找到一份新工作。通过欺骗他,霍华德让威利维护自己的幻想世界不成问题。这些都是Willy生活中最消极的影响的例子,仅仅因为他们有能力帮助,但选择不。


One negative influence in Willy’s life is the inability of his friends to confront him about his problems. It is Willy’s wife that causes him the most harm. In her vain attempt to protect Willy, she actually allows his eventual death. The first sign of her negligence comes in one of Willy’s flashbacks. Willy brags, “I did five hundred gross in Providence and seven hundred gross in Boston”(35). But as Linda begins calculating his commission, the value rapidly diminishes to “roughly two hundred gross on the whole trip”(35). Linda sees what is going on but does not confront him. A very similar situation occurs later in their life when she finds out that Willy is no longer on salary, but borrows money every week from Charley. Again she will not confront him. By not confronting Willy in either of these instances, Linda allows him to sink further into his false reality. But Linda makes an even worse mistake that allows for Willy’s suicide. She acknowledges his suicidal tendencies when she says, “He’s been trying to kill himself”(58). She tells the boys that she has found the rubber hose in the basement, but she still will not confront Willy. Another character who is unable to be straight with Willy is Willy’s boss Howard Wagner. Howard allows Willy to keep his job, but does not pay him. If he had just fired him right out it would of forced Willy to find a new job. By stringing him along, Howard allows Willy to maintain his fantasy world unchallenged. These are examples of the most negative influences in Willy’s life simply because they have the ability to help but choose not to.