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这个问题很重要,因为美国的人口统计在这个国家发生了巨大的变化。拉美裔代表人口增长最快的部分之一。据2010次人口普查简要,西班牙裔人口约为5050万,约占总人口3亿800万的美国16%(美国人口普查局,2011)。西班牙裔的人数约43% 2000起,约占总数的55%,美国的经济增长率在相同的十年期间。这是9.7%人口增长率的五倍以上。如果目前的趋势继续下去,美国的人口将上升到2050的4亿3800万左右,与西班牙人三倍大小和大多数国家的人口增长核算。当时,西班牙裔人口估计约1亿2700万或约29%的总美国人口(美国人口普查局,2009)。 随着学校很快会不堪重负的西班牙裔学生的巨大增长,美国别无选择,只能解决高中辍学危机的两个主要原因。首先,经济成本既真实又潜力惊人。在他们的一生中,高中辍学者的收入少了400000美元,失业率更高,健康状况也比毕业生差。从2008类学生辍学独自将工资损失的国家超过3190亿美元的成本超过170亿美元的医疗保险和医疗支出在一生中(AEE,二月2009)。第二个原因是辍学危机可能影响国家作为世界超级大国的地位。西班牙裔和其他少数民族成为在接下来的二十年里,大部分的美国人口,一个没有受过良好教育的劳动力,可能无法在全球经济中竞争的可能性是存在的,尤其是对技术的关注度提高。这种探索性研究的目的是确定为西班牙裔的父母在孩子的学习过程,这有助于过度的高中辍学率,并确定它是否可以通过文化层面的霍夫施泰德的模型解释了参与缺乏的可能原因。


This issue is significant because U.S. demographics are changing dramatically in this country. Hispanics represent one of the fastest-growing segments of the population. According to the 2010 Census Brief, the Hispanic population was approximately 50.5 million, which was about 16% of the overall U.S. population of 308 million (U.S. Census Bureau, 2011).The number of Hispanics has grown around 43% since 2000 and accounted for about 55% of the total nation’s growth during that same ten-year period. This is more than five times the growth rate of the total population of 9.7%. If the current trend continues, the population of the United States will rise to about 438 million in 2050, with Hispanics tripling in size and accounting for most of the nation’s population growth. At that time, the Hispanic population is estimated to be around 127 million or about 29% of the total U.S. population (U.S. Census Bureau, 2009). With schools soon to be overburdened with this tremendous growth of Hispanic students, the United States has no choice but to address the high school dropout crisis for two major reasons. First of all, the economic cost both real and potential is staggering. Over their lifetimes, high school dropouts earn about $400,000 less, have higher unemployment rates, and poorer health than graduates. The dropouts from the Class of 2008 alone will cost the nation more than $319 billion in lost wages and over $17 billion in Medicaid and expenditures for uninsured health care over the course of their lifetimes (AEE, February 2009). The second reason is the dropout crisis could impact the nation’s status as a world superpower. With Hispanics and other ethnic minority groups becoming the majority of the U.S. population in the next two decades, the potential exists for an undereducated workforce which may not be able to compete in a global economy, especially with the increased focus on technology. The purpose of this exploratory study is to identify possible reasons for Hispanic parents’ lack of involvement in their children’s learning process which contributes to excessive high school dropout rates and to also determine if it can be explained by Hofstede’s Model of Cultural Dimensions.

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