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For a long time before the first settlers came to Australia Aboriginals have inhabited what they called “Mother Earth” and there was a strong bond between the aboriginals and their land that they raised their families on, hunted on and built their homes on. The aboriginals roamed the whole of their country as the pleased and had many different sacred sites throughout, sites which had a link to their ancestors and what they called “the dreaming”, then in 1788 all of what they know and respected was taken from them by “the white man”, the first settlers had arrived from England and had claimed that land, that the aboriginals had called home for so many centuries, “terra nullius” (un-inhabited). With the arrival of the first settlers came with them a system of laws and government that had never been seen by the aboriginals. Laws and government that did not benefit the aboriginals in any way shape or form, laws that took away their land and left them with nothing. The indigenous people in Australia have suffered in different ways and forms from the days of the first settlers and have fought to claim back what many see as rightfully theirs, their land and their rights to own land and live, hunt and follow the way their ancestors lived on/ from the land.