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性格障碍与给成人学习设置障碍的内在或个人因素有关。这一障碍主要是指学习者的学习态度。许多成人学习者可能对学习持消极态度。这可能是由于年龄因素和/或更少的结果是在过去的研究。当然,如果一个人在传统的教育体系中没有取得好成绩,那么大多数人在未来都会有消极的学习态度。这将影响他们学习的心理方面。年龄因素也是一个重要的外在因素,可以被描述为性格因素。人们可能认为他们太老了,不能去上教育机构。他们可能会忽视“学习是一个终生的过程”这一事实。有些情况下,学习者可能会因病而无法完成学习任务。“健康问题从我们的田野调查中出现,成为学习者和潜在学习者的主要障碍”(Peter Bates和Jane Aston, 2004)。由于成年人的忙碌,他们可能没有足够的时间去上教育机构。成年人是全职工作者,全职父母,当他们参加教育,他们也成为全职学生。并不是每个人都有这样的学习计划。工作、孩子、家庭等个人事务对他们来说比学习更重要。还有一个问题,有些成年人可能会想,“他们不需要接受更多的教育。”这可能是因为同伴的压力或者同伴的行为。此外,就在高中毕业后,一些人会找到一份好工作,这将给他们一份体面的薪水。这有时是他们回来学习的障碍。此外,语言能力不足或对学习没有兴趣是影响成人学习的因素。


Dispositional barriers are connected with the internal or personal factors that put a barrier to learn for adults. This barrier mainly talks about the learners’ attitude to learn. Many adult learners may have negative attitude towards learning. This may be due to age factor and/or may be fewer results are made in the past studies. Of course, if a person did not make a good result in their traditional education system then then most of the people will have a negative attitude to learn in future. This will affect their psychological aspects in learning. The age factor is also an important dispositional factor that can be described as a dispositional factor. People might think they are too old to go for an educational institute. They might ignore the fact that, “learning is a lifelong process”. There are some situations where the learner might be too sick to carry out the task of leaning. “Health issues emerged from our fieldwork as a major barrier for learners and potential learners” (Peter Bates and Jane Aston, 2004) .The availability of time is also an important factor. Due to busy of an adult, they might not have enough time to attend an educational institution. The adult are full time workers, full time parents and when they join for education they become full time students too. Not everybody has potential to study with this very schedule in their life. The personal affairs like job, child and family care are more important for them than learning. There is another problem that some adults might think, “they don’t require any more education.” This may because of peer pressure or how their peers are behaving. Moreover, just after the high school, some people will get a good job which will give a decent amount of salary. This is sometime a barrier for them to come back to learn. In addition to that, inadequate language skill or not having any interest for learning are the factors that will affect the adult learning.