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澳洲悉尼心理学论文代写 音乐记忆力


澳洲悉尼心理学论文代写 音乐记忆力

The moonlight sonata by Beethoven, for example, adjust the serotonin production because the music inspires peace and tranquillity. The more engaging parts of the song bring back focus. Music with a fast or vicious tempo enhances the dopamine levels in the brain which will make a person feel more energized and will help to retain information Listening to music can have many benefits such as the following; music can help brains that have been injured to remember more, music can also help in learning languages, and music can induce widespread brain activity. Studies have shown that music might help people with traumatic experiences remember important things from a person’s life. Researchers conducted an experiment on people with traumatic brain injuries (TBI’s) and had them listen to number one songs from their lifetimes and in some cases, the music caused people to remember a time or person in their life. Interviews with people who have TBI’s show that when compared with a normal interview, having the patients listen to top hit music was more effective in getting the patients to remember. In brain imaging studies results showed that music activated part of the brain known as the motor, the auditory, and the limbic systems. The motor processes the rhythms of the music. The auditory processes music. The limbic system processes emotion. Music is a common activity people use to help study, learn, and remember things. Music can also be used as a tool to help those how have been injured or hurt recover easier. Music impacts the brain in many different ways that help people trying to learn something new, people, who are trying to remember important information and helps those that are trying to be able to heal faster.

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