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蓬勃发展的20世纪20年代的爵士乐现场带来了许多新的音乐家进入聚光灯。这些最初的几位爵士艺术家为爵士音乐流派奠定了基础,并帮助把音乐塑造成一个伟大的东西。音乐家如奥利弗王,Louis Armstrong,Kid Ory,和爱德华·肯尼迪·艾灵顿定义的爵士乐在美国和国外的未来。这些音乐家们制作的场地,他们在流行的,使球迷们在全国各地的爵士乐节目。爵士乐是在舞厅,起到主要的旅馆和酒吧。一些主要的有影响力的爵士音乐播放器是国王奥利弗,Louis Armstrong,Leon Beiderbecke。Louis Armstrong被称为20世纪20年代爵士乐的基础,并已成为众所周知的整个历史后,在奥利弗国王的研究。奥利弗“奥利弗国王”是当时世界上最著名的爵士演奏者。像阿姆斯壮和奥利弗这样的音乐家开始主要在美国南部的州演奏,但是当他们感动的时候,爵士文化也随之而来了。另一个爵士音乐家,帮助塑造美国音乐史是列昂“bix”贝克,其音乐风格结束了“酷”的爵士音乐家铺平了道路,这将在40年代和50年代成为流行的爵士音乐家。而繁荣和传播他们的歌曲在美国,爵士音乐赢得了其公平份额的批评家。Ernest Newman是一位评论家称为揭穿爵士音乐。爵士在很大程度上不被认为是一个受人尊敬的音乐流派,许多保守派认为这是魔鬼的音乐。它是没有办法相比和尊重,因为是古典音乐。爵士乐作曲家被批评者“…把他们的脏爪子从他们的长辈。”但尽管音乐风格有时严厉的接待,爵士音乐家坚持了下来,并把他们的文化和他们。


The booming 1920s jazz scene brought many new musicians into the spotlight. These first few jazz artists laid down the basics for the jazz music genre and helped mold the music into something grand. Musicians such as King Oliver, Louis Armstrong, Kid Ory, and Duke Ellington defined the future of jazz both in the United States and abroad. These musicians made the venues they played at popular, bringing fans to jazz shows around the country. Jazz music was played primarily in dance halls, roadhouses, and speakeasies. Some of the major influential jazz music players were King Oliver, Louis Armstrong, and Leon Beiderbecke. Louis Armstrong is known as the foundation of 1920s jazz, and has become known throughout history after studying under King Oliver. Joseph “King Oliver” Oliver was at the time the most famous jazz player in the world. Musicians like Armstrong and Oliver started playing mainly in America’s southern states, but when they moved, the jazz culture followed. Another jazz musician that helped shape America’s musical history was Leon “Bix” Beiderbecke, whose music and style ended up paving the way for “cool” jazz musicians, which would become popular in the 40s and 50s. While jazz musicians were flourishing and spreading their songs across America, jazz music earned its fair share of critics. Ernest Newman was one critic known for debunking jazz music. Jazz was largely not considered respectable as a music genre, and many conservatives felt it was the devil’s music. It was in no way compared and respected as was classical music. Jazz composers were told by critics to “…Keep their dirty paws off their betters.” But despite the sometimes harsh reception to the music style, jazz musicians persevered, and took their culture with them.

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