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正如Weaver(2000)建议的那样,不幸的是,旅游业没有全球定义,但他提供了一个基于旅游管理的基本原则的一般定义。他说:“旅游业是游客,商业供应商,东道国政府,东道国社区,原籍政府,大学,社区学院和非政府组织之间相互作用的现象和关系的总和,在吸引,运输, (McKercher,2002),这一术语的演变带来了许多定义,Barbieri(2010)认为文化旅游作为“访问”(Weaver,2000)欣赏任何形式的社会,艺术或智力活动,包括访问土着社区,遗产和宗教场所,参加表演艺术,节日和特别活动,“根据这个定义和理查德(1996年),包括那些有形的镇)或无形的(如欣赏生活方式)性质,作者现在彻底定义旅游和更深入的文化旅游。

游客,旅行者,观光者和游客等都来到一个目的地,希望有一件事情,无形的经验,他们会离开的感觉更新,开明和振奋。 Craik(2004年)的“旅游泡沫”这个短语讲述了一个安全和受控的环境,游客选择了一个真正体验的“样品”。 Craik进一步继续争论,游客在“追求旅游愉悦”中度假,在那里他们寻找真实性,他们实际上获得可预测的,旅游安全的泡沫样本。


As Weaver (2000) suggested there, unfortunately, is no global definition of Tourism, he however provides a general definition based on the fundamental principles surrounding Tourism Management. He states: “Tourism is the sum of the Phenomena and relationships arising from the interaction among tourists, business suppliers, host governments, host communities, origin governments, universities, community colleges and non-governmental organisations, in the process of attracting, transporting, hosting and managing these tourists and other visitors (Weaver, 2000). With Cultural Tourism still being in its infancy (McKercher, 2002), the evolution of the term has brought many definitions to surface, Barbieri (2010) views Cultural Tourism as “visitation to appreciate any form of social, artistic or intellectual activity, including visiting indigenous communities, heritage and religious sites and attending performing arts, festivals and special events and” with this definition and Richards (1996) to include those that are either tangible (e.g. historic town) or intangible (e.g. appreciation of way of living) in nature, the author has now thoroughly defined tourism and more in-depth, cultural tourism.

Tourists, travellers, sightseers and visitors in the like all come to a destination in hope of one thing, an intangible experience in which they will come away feeling refreshed, enlightened and invigorated. The phrase “tourist bubble” from Craik (2004), addresses a safe and controlled environment in which tourists select a ‘sample’ of genuine experiences. Craik further continues to argue that tourists go on a vacation in a “pursuit of tourist pleasure” in which they hunt for authenticity, for which they in fact gain predictable, tourist safe bubble samples.

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