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The primary objective of this study is to explore into the possibility of E-marketing or online marketing for the local small businesses. Whether is it possible for them to market their product and service by means of electronic marketing or online marketing or not. For local small businesses that are already using some forms of Internet marketing, what can be done to increase the possibility for a successful online marketing campaign? Specifically this study will: 1) Identify what role E-marketing can play for small business, 2) Explore the impact of different E-marketing components like social networking, viral marketing, blogging, Search engine marketing, on small businesses, 3) Identify the advantages and disadvantages of using these different E-marketing components, and 4) Create a possible recommendation for a successful e-marketing campaign based on the outcome of the study. This chapter presents the methodology used to identify the problem of this study, and describe the data collection techniques used to draw the various conclusions.

Depending on the nature of the question and problem to be investigated, either a qualitative or a quantitative approach would generally be more appropriate (Creswell, 2003). The purpose of the study dictates the research methodology that best suits the research questions. This qualitative study sought to understand the impressions, reactions and feelings of experts in internet marketing of small local businesses concerning the feasibility and the success or failures of their online marketing campaign. Since the aim of this study was to probe deeply into the phenomenon under investigation, a qualitative approach was preferred. And since the expected results of this study was described in words to bring understanding to a phenomenon that was the basis of this study, the use of numbers alone could not offer in-depth description and meaning of a phenomenon. Therefore, a quantitative approach to this research was not appropriate. A qualitative research design was selected for this study as the most appropriate approach since a qualitative research design sets out to investigate, interpret, and analyze data that is generated as a result of interviews.

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