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Benihana’s concept is based on an authentic Japanese atmosphere. The use of American food favourites (chicken, steak, etc.) combined with the “hibatchi” method of presentation makes this restaurant very different from others (Sasser, 2004). Glushko and Tabas (2008) state that service management and design success depend on the interaction between employees and customers. Thus the quality of the “service experience” relies on the “front stage” activities displayed in a restaurant. Furthermore, Frei (2006) adds that the “line of visibility” is the factor that separates “the front stage” and the “back stage” (Appendix 3). If Benihana was to compare with a McDonalds and a Gourmet Restaurant the service encounters would be very different (Appendix 4) (Frei, 2006). In the case of McDonalds the line of visibility for the “front-stage” is very small and depends on waiting lines and self-service, whereas all the production lines occur in the back stage, thus the customer’s experience is very limited (ibid.). A customer’s experience in a gourmet restaurant has a balance between the “front-stage”, dining room experience, and the “kitchen-backstage-area” (ibid.). Compared to both of these, Benihana enhances the experience of their customers by treating the chef as a showman and having a different production line to service (ibid.). The front stage is the largest part of the operations with the chef cooking and serving the dishes together with the waiter, whereas the kitchen preparation is a very small part of their process (Sasser, 2004). This different concept increases customer satisfaction: 9

As seen in Figure 2, customer satisfaction is rated as excellent, which implies that the Benihana service concept is successful. In order to further develop this aspect of their business, Benihana also developed several other concepts in relation to their design, their bar and their customer batching in groups, which will be further discussed in Chapter 3.2.2 Benihana’s Restaurant Design. 10