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悉尼工程学assignment代写 高度摩擦

由于几乎所有的卡车正面都是大面积的平地,所以当卡车行驶时,它会面临高度的摩擦。这种摩擦导致燃料消耗增加,因为空气不能通过“块状”表面。利用空气动力学技术,减少这种摩擦是可能的。客舱顶部的导流板安装在客舱顶部,这个导流板被放置在足够高的地方,使空气在撞击卡车表面后向上推动,并通过导流板在卡车上消散。这个偏转板也有助于空气通过拖车,如果是由卡车拉动,并可在固定或可调的高度选项。在卡车车厢的后面通常会有一辆卡车拖着的拖车,然而,在卡车和拖车之间大约有2 – 3英尺的距离。有了这个间隙,卡车的驾驶室和拖车在转弯或倒车时就不会相互接触,但这个间隙会对卡车的空气动力学产生负面影响。由于空气撞击拖车的表面,这一间隙会引起紊流和大量摩擦,从而产生反作用力。随着技术的发展,客舱侧翼开始发挥作用,极大地帮助解决了这个问题。这些机翼安装在客舱后部垂直的角落,帮助推动空气通过缝隙,向下通过拖车的车身。这项技术大大减少了阻力的影响。

悉尼工程学assignment代写 高度摩擦

As the nearly all truck fronts are large flat areas, when a truck is driving it is faced with a high level of friction. This friction causes increased fuel consumption due to the air not being able to pass around the ‘block-like’ surface. With aerodynamic technology the reduction of such friction is possible. The cabin top deflector is mounted just on top of the cabin, this deflector is placed high enough in a way that the air after hitting the face of the truck, pushes upwards and is dissipated over the truck by the deflector. This deflector also helps the air pass over a trailer if being pulled by a truck, and is available in fixed or adjustable height options. At the rear of a truck cabin normally lays a trailer that the truck is pulling, however, between the truck and the trailer there is a gap of the roughly two-three foot. This gap is there so both the truck cabin and trailer will not come into contact when turning or reversing, but this gap has a negative effect on the aerodynamics of a truck. This gap can cause turbulence and substantial friction from the air hitting the face of the trailer, which in turn has a force against it. With technology, cabin side wings have come into play and have helped this problem massively. These wings are fitted to rear vertical corners of cabin and help push the air past the gap and down past the trailer’s body. This technology hugely reduces the effects of drag.

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