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第七个目标是确保环境的可持续性。这通常被认为是为了确保子孙后代至少拥有和我们目前相同或更好的生活质量。在教育的帮助下,近年来这一目标取得了重大进展。联合国网站说,“在1990至2012年间,有23亿人获得改善饮用水源的机会。”教育各国适当分配资源、环境问题、积极的规章制度,以及更多的工作将有助于实现这一目标。目标八的实施是为了发展全球伙伴关系。联合国教科文组织的报告,“援助基础教育在世界上最贫穷的国家来只有27亿美元的2007,从$ US16十亿每年需要达到教育的相关发展目标相去甚远。发展中国家也可以做得更多——把教育放在首位。如果低收入国家花费0.7%的国民生产总值用于教育,则每年可为基础教育提供约70亿美元,“联合国确实向发展中国家提供援助,但只有少数国家达到实际配额或以上。”。如果所有的国家都将有助于正确数额的教育和较低的发达国家将正确地分配他们的资金,世界就会更快发展.


From reviewing the literature, educational researchers which employ these constructivist principles select aspects from both strands of this learning theory (Biggs, 1979, Cunningham, 1996), and use constructivist theories as a generalised term. However, as Mathews and Lui highlight, combining the plethora of constructivist variants is questionable, and generalisations made may have less significance and loss of meaning. Therefore, for the purpose of this assignment, the term constructivism will reflect a collaboration of both social and cognitive strands; however specific branches and the implications of these strands are highlighted where necessary.A review of the literature suggests that behaviouristic learning does not offer students the chance to develop deep meaning and understanding (Einworth and Collins), but instead has a tendency to promote superficial learning of skills (Fosnot, 1996). Making a ‘correct’ response and remembering content does not necessarily imply understanding, and consequently the actual understanding achieved through behavioural approaches is challenged. Hounsell, & Entwistle, 1997 conclude that the use of rote memorisation represents a learning approach to a surface level of understanding, whilst establishing connectio

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