站点图标 澳洲论文代写




  1. 提供逻辑关系:连接词可以表示因果关系、对比关系、转折关系、条件关系等等,使文章更具有逻辑性和连贯性,让读者更容易理解作者的意图。
  2. 引导读者:连接词可以引导读者注意到论述的转折点、重点、例证等,帮助读者更好地跟随作者的思路,理解文章的结构和内容。
  3. 增加信息密度:连接词可以使文章更加简洁明了,让作者在有限的篇幅内表达更多的信息,同时也使读者更容易理解和消化这些信息。



  1. Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly, etc. 用于列举一系列的想法或事件。

Example: Firstly, we need to understand the problem, secondly, we need to identify the causes, and thirdly, we can come up with solutions.

  1. Moreover, Furthermore, Additionally 用于添加更多的信息或支持论点。

Example: Moreover, recent studies have shown that the new policy has a positive impact on the economy.

  1. However, Nevertheless, Nonetheless 用于表达相反的想法或对比。

Example: The results were not as expected; however, they still provide valuable insights into the issue.

  1. In addition, In contrast, On the other hand 用于表达相反的想法或对比。

Example: In contrast to the previous study, our findings suggest a different approach to addressing the problem.

  1. Consequently, Therefore, Thus 用于表示结果或结论。

Example: Therefore, we can conclude that the new technology has a significant impact on the industry.

  1. For instance, For example, Such as 用于提供例子或具体细节。

Example: Such as the case of Japan, which has successfully implemented a similar policy.

  1. In conclusion, To summarize, In summary 用于总结文章或论点。

Example: In conclusion, our study suggests that there is a need for further research in this area.
