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All big brands around the world are now shifting towards the phenomenon of globalization. A product is no more confined to geographical boundaries. Globalisation calls for global marketing strategies being implemented around the world to resonate the brand’s identity and its image to target customers. A synonymous marketing strategy is cost-effective and this is the strategy applied by many big companies around the world. However, experts also say that this is not always a wise strategy because consumer behaviour around the world varies from culture to culture and from nation to nation. For instance, an American consumer will react and respond differently as compared to a Nepalese consumer. Thus, while implementing global marketing strategies, a wiser move would be to tweak it, customise it, and to relate it with the local consumer behaviour. Similarly, few international big names in Nepal have only implemented their global strategies and are not probably exploiting the huge potential they have. One such case is that of Red Bull in Nepal. Since the entrance of this drink in Nepal, it has done well enough to survive in the Nepalese market as compared to some of the other energy drink brands. Red Bull has implemented its global marketing strategy such as unconventional method without really evaluating its effects on the customer loyalty in Nepal. Thus, the question still remains whether the customer loyalty is influenced by Red Bull in Nepal that uses global unconventional marketing strategies.

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