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Levels of decreased physical activity can lead to obesity, which occurs when the intake of energy from food and drinks is greater than the total energy expended by the body through maintenance of normal homeostasis, the body’s metabolism, and overall physical activity . Current industrialised nations can be described as obesity-causing, meaning that it can be difficult for the population to maintain a healthy weight . This is usually because there is an abundance of highly calorific foods and drinks available and an increase in sedentary lifestyles due to an over-reliance on motorised transport and a decrease in physical activity. There is also strong evidence to suggest that eating habits which are established in childhood through cultural and familial traits are often upheld into adulthood . Research into obesity and obesity interventions generally lack specific details about effective approaches or individual programmes, and guidance extrapolated from this research is quite vague An overall review of the literature shows a great variation in study design and other parameters, such as standardised service settings, long-term follow ups and their intervals, cost-effectiveness data, and intervention groups which included minority or those deemed to be more vulnerable . There is clear research evidence which states that obesity interventions should be focused on both diet and physical activity together rather than attempting to modify either in isolation, as research data demonstrates that a combined approach is more effective for weight outcome As obesity interventions should be multi-faceted, it is important to recognise the role of behaviour change and to develop strategies which encourage increased levels of physical activity and improve eating behaviours, as well as the quality of the food selected . In addition, many interventions can also be delivered to families as well as individuals.