
阿德莱德代写assignment Inclusive Education And Peoples Opinions And Solutions

“全纳教育”的问题,即主流化,是既复杂又有争议的。有许多知情的意见和解决方案,从研究人员,政治家和教师围绕有关的辩论。什么是明显的是,没有总体战略,将提供所有的答案,包含是个人的,五花八门的和广泛的。它是由社会、政治、立法和语境因素所形成的。本文首先对包含在教育中的概念进行了反思,然后讨论了对教师和学校的影响。以下的问题将被考虑;立法,权利,精神,行为管理和资源。在阿德莱德学习遇到问题了吗?快来找ESSAYEDUCATION.帮您解决学术问题吧。点击了解 阿德莱德代写论文


纳入教育是公认的五个国家教育重点之一,在苏格兰的标准,在苏格兰的学校等。Act 2000。正是这种立法框架,并纳入法律的情况下,至少在原则上,被称为主流的“推定”(苏格兰政府,2003,第2页)。该框架的重点是对有残疾的学生和特殊教育需求;然而,列入教育以更广阔的语境。根据定义,包括并不主要集中在一组额外的支持的个人需求(ASN),但是超出这个包括所有学生无论性别,种族,宗教,精神和身体能力和社会阶级(展位和艾果斯科,1998)。同样,Wilson(2000,p.229)指出,在任何言论或思想的情况下,限制“全纳学校”的定义为“一个拒绝或排斥任何学生在一个特定的流域面积在能力或伤残或肤色或宗教或其他任何东西”的理由会限制和天真。在这两个帐户,包含的概念是不受约束的一组与工厂的年轻人而影响所有的学生。


The question of ‘inclusive education’ whereby mainstreaming, is both complex and contentious. There are many informed opinions and solutions from researchers, politicians and teachers surrounding debates on inclusion. What is apparent is that there is no overarching strategy that will provide all the answers; inclusion is individual, multifarious and wide ranging. It is shaped by social, political, legislative and contextual factors. This paper will first reflect on the concept of inclusion in education and then discuss the implications for teachers and schools. The following issues will be considered; legislation, rights, ethos, behaviour management and resources.


Inclusion in education is recognised as one of the five National Priorities for Education in Scotland by the Standards in Scotland’s Schools ect. Act 2000. It was this legislative framework, which set the legal context for inclusion, at least in principle, to what is referred to as the ‘presumption of mainstreaming’ (Scottish Government, 2003, p.2). The framework focuses predominately on pupils with disabilities and special educational needs; however, inclusion in education takes a much wider context. By definition, inclusion does not primarily focus upon a group of individuals with additional support needs (ASN), but extends beyond this to include all pupils regardless of gender, race, religion, mental and physical ability and social class (Booth and Ainscow, 1998). Similarly, Wilson (2000, p.229) states that in the absence of any rhetoric or ideology, limiting the definition of an ‘inclusive school’ to “one that rejects or excludes no pupils in a particular catchment area on grounds of ability or disablement or colour or religion or anything else” would be restrictive and naive. On both accounts, the concept of inclusion is not constrained to a group of young people with ASN but affects all pupils.

It is therefore apparent that inclusion is not about the integration or accommodation of pupils into mainstream education. Nor is it centrally concerned with the inclusion of pupils with ASN. Inclusion is more than this; inclusion seeks to address the individual needs of each pupil to enable all learners to achieve their fullest potential and experience a positive education (HMIE, 2008; Slee, 2001, p.116).
