

澳大利亚的识字率约为99%(世界银行,2012)。GER(毛入学率,Total是小学教育的总入学率,不分年龄,用占官方小学教育年龄人口的百分比来表示)在澳大利亚为105%,这表明它是一个受教育程度较高的国家(世界银行,2012)。根据internetworldstats的数据,截至2009年8月,约有80.1%的澳大利亚人口使用互联网,其中包括约17033826名用户。截至2007年9月,有22.8%的人口使用宽频上网。根据世界银行的数据,人均国民总收入为21,650美元(‘ 04),这表明它是一个非常富有的国家。费列罗网上精品店为特殊场合提供优质巧克力。它的地位是一个地位的象征,高品质的产品,被视为一个经典和优雅。同时价格也过高。这是针对高收入人群的利基市场。在像澳大利亚这样的地方,它可以找到一系列的客户来购买产品,这些客户主要关心的是社会地位、自豪感和服务质量。限量版的品种总是在客户中创造需求。澳大利亚是一个城市化率为1.2%的城市国家,2010年为89% (CIA, 2012)。根据世界银行的报告,2009年澳大利亚人口密度为每平方公里2.86人(CIA, 2012)。这表明澳大利亚是一个人口较少的大国。所以人们更喜欢网上购物而不是长途旅行去商店购物。


The literacy rate in Australia is about 99% (WorldBank, 2012). GER (Gross enrolment ratio, Total is the total enrolment in primary education, regardless of age, expressed as a percentage of the population of official primary education age) is found to be 105% in Australia that indicates that it’s a highly educated country (WorldBank, 2012). According to the internetworldstats about 80.1% of the Australian population use internet which comprise of around 17,033,826 users as of Aug 2009.There is 22.8% of population subscribing broadband connection as of September 2007.According to world bank GNI per capita is US$ 21,650(’04) that indicates that it’s a very wealthy country.Ferrero Online boutique offers premium chocolate for special occasion. It positions as a status symbol with high class product which is seen as a classy and elegant. At the same time pricing is also too high. This is targeting the high income range of people which is niche market. In a place like Australia it can find a range of customers to buy the product that mainly concerns about the social status, pride and quality of service. The limited edition in variety always creates a demand among the customers.Australia is an urban country with 89% in 2010 with 1.2% of the rate of urbanization (CIA, 2012).According to World Bank report the density of population is Australia is 2.86 people per SQ km in 2009 (CIA, 2012).This indicates that the Australia is a huge country with less population. So people would prefer to do online shopping rather travelling long for the store shopping.
