

父母必须学会认识到他们的孩子是网络欺凌的行凶者或目标的警告信号。行凶者的共同特征包括频繁使用电脑,特别是在夜间,并伴有响亮的笑声。当成年人进入房间(Dehue, 2008)时,网络欺凌倾向于保密,并试图掩盖他们正在做的事情。已知目标在使用电脑后会变得明显的悲伤或愤怒,并可能突然停止使用电脑。欺负受害者的额外迹象是回避朋友、家庭和学校(霍夫和米切尔,2008)。父母应该意识到这些迹象,并与孩子们保持对话,了解他们的生活是什么样的,以及孩子每天会发生什么。在不断发展的青年社会生活中,允许儿童继续使用电子形式的交流是很重要的。这已经成为他们组织活动和保持联系的重要方式。出于这个原因,孩子可能不太愿意报告网络欺凌的情况,因为他们担心父母会限制使用手机上网。因此,重要的是不要限制使用,而是制定适当的网上行为和网络安全规则。这将使儿童更愿意向受信任的成年人和权威人士报告网络欺凌事件。为了进一步确保孩子们不参与网络欺凌,家长需要利用搜索过滤器和限制攻击性材料的网站拦截器。另外一个步骤是把电脑放在房子的公共区域。在学习网络欺凌时,鼓励家长公开讨论所发生的事情以及孩子在这种情况下的角色。为了防止未来的网络欺凌事件发生,必须保持这些通信线路的畅通。


Parents must learn to recognize the warning signs that their child is a perpetrator or target of cyberbullying. Common characteristics of perpetrators include frequent computer use, especially at night, combined with loud bursts of laughter. Cyberbullies tend to be secretive and attempt to disguise what they were doing when adults enter the room (Dehue, 2008). Targets are known to become noticeably sad or angry following computer use and may abruptly stop using the computer. Additional signs of bullying victimization are the avoidance of friends, family and school (Hoff & Mitchell, 2008). Parents should be aware of these signs and maintain a dialogue with children about what their lives are like and what happens to the child on a day to day basis. In the ever evolving social lives of youth it is important to allow children to continue use of electronic forms of communication. This has become an essential way for them to organize events and stay in contact. For this reason a child may be less willing to report instances of cyberbullying for fear that parents will restrict Internet of cell phone access. It is therefore important to not restrict use, but to set rules on appropriate online behavior and internet safety. This will make children more willing to report cyberbullying to trusted adults and authority figures. To further ensure that children are not engaging in cyberbullying parents need to make use of search filters and website blockers that restrict offensive material. An additional step would be to place the computer in a common area of the house. Upon learning of of cyberbullying, parents are encouraged to openly discuss what happened and the child’s role in the situation. It is necessary to keep these lines of communication open to prevent future instances of cyberbullying.
