

这个故事的主角是伊涅阿斯,他是特洛伊王子。埃涅阿斯在城市被推翻的时候设法逃走了,他被神派去执行任务。他的任务是找到罗马城。这被认为是一项非常重要的任务,因为在这段时间里,如果神让阿普勒森做一些特别重要的事情。这就是罗马人认为他们是特别的原因;众神希望他们能建立起来。埃涅阿斯正航行到意大利半岛时,众神决定考验他。他们制造了一场大风暴,使埃涅阿斯偏离了很远的航线,这使他的船在迦太基号着陆。当他到达时,他受到了黛朵王后的欢迎,她是一个寡妇。在迦太基,埃涅阿斯被视为英雄,仅仅因为他符合物理描述。Didoand Aeneas结束了狩猎之旅,但在他们回到城市之前,风暴来了,迫使他们避难。他们发现了一个洞穴,决定留下来过夜,等待风暴平息下来。当他们在这个洞穴里时,他们相互吸引,彼此亲密。埃涅阿斯确实喜欢狄多,但他并没有像狄多那样认真对待他们的关系。她相信他们在山洞里的相遇是一种婚姻的誓言。


This story’s main character is Aeneas who was the prince of Troy. Aeneas had managed to make an escape while the city was being overthrown and he wasgiven a mission from the Gods. His mission was to find the city of Rome. This was seen as a very important duty because during that time if the Gods told aperson to do something it was especially important. This is the reason Romans believed they were special; the Gods wanted them to be founded. While Aeneas was sailing to the Italian peninsula the gods decided to test him. They created a large storm that blew Aeneas very far off course, and this landed his ship in Carthage. When he arrived he was welcomed by Queen Dido, who was a widow. In Carthage, Aeneas is viewed as a hero simply because he fits the physical description. Didoand Aeneas end up going on a hunting trip, but before they could make it backto the city a storm came and forced them to take shelter. They found a cave and decided to stay the night and wait for the storm to subside. While they were in this cave they engaged in a mutual attraction and had an intimate encounterwith each other. Aeneas does like Dido, but he does not take their relationshipas seriously as Dido does. She believes that their encounter in the cave was amarriage vow.
