

但这些都不是新奇的恐惧和焦虑。在过去,在所有这些新技术到来之前,成年人都关心孩子们从电视中看到和知道什么。同样的焦虑和担心现在已经联合起来,为孩子们与新技术相互作用,产生了相当大的关注和媒体的评论下(hutchby莫里斯,p.1)。那么,我们如何处理这种情况呢? 成年人,尤其是那些处于教育孩子的最前沿的人,必须从孩子的角度和角度去看待世界,因为他们是不同的文化,有着不同的价值观和不同的未来。我们的学生很清楚他们比大多数老师更先进的技术。在他们的世界里,技术技能是生活和学习的每一天,这是一个整体的生活质量的重要组成部分”(大专及玻璃,2005;p.xi),因此技术连接应该是他们学校的经验的一部分。正如年轻人会说的那样,“成年人需要得到这个计划”。教师意识到技术的普及,我们应该寻求一个系统的、有效的方式来跟上技术。然而,这本身是一个“艰巨的挑战,鉴于行业的变化速度和其他对教师的时间要求”


But these are not newfangled fears and anxieties. In the past, before the arrival of all these new technologies, adults were concerned about what children may see and know from the television. The same anxieties and concerns have now coalesced, as children interact with new technologies, generating considerable lay concern and mass media commentary (Hutchby & Morris, p.1). How then do we deal with this situation?Adults, especially those who are at the forefront of educating our children, have to learn to see the world from the children’s perspective and viewpoint, as theirs is a different culture with different values and a different future. Our students are well aware that they are more advanced with the technology than most of their teachers. In their world, technology skills are lived and learnt each day, ‘it’s an integral and important component of their quality of life’ (Varsity & Glass, 2005; p.xi) and therefore technology connections should be a part of their school experience. As the youths will say, ‘adults need to get with the program’. Teachers are aware of the pervasiveness of technology and we should seek to find a systematic and effective way to keep up with the technology. However, this itself is a ‘formidable challenge given the pace of change in the industry and other demands on teachers’ time’

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