


有几种技术管理模式。格雷戈瑞的M. J. Gregory框架的工作已经提出了1995。这一过程已建成的基础上以前的工作技术管理。有几个元素已被确定以前的链接到组织内的技术管理。能力和能力是重要的,要在组织内分析,了解的力量和弱点。他们还反映了如何组织可以满足客户和如何快速的组织可能响应市场。根据这一分析,公司可以确定合适的技术策略。组织学习也被广泛应用于技术管理的概念。研发和新产品的引进是技术应用的过程。创新活动,以提供客户的满意度。[格雷戈瑞,1995 ]然而,有没有商定的技术管理框架已被提出。

从他们的观点来看,这种合作是不容易进行的。由于许多问题和冲突,索爱不能实现最大的利润,并增加市场份额预期。从技术上讲,索爱结合了爱立信移动业务和索尼的多媒体技术的核心技术。这种形式的合作,在第一个3年。Walkman手机发布很成功。然而,今天的手机已经从客户期待了很多。索爱没有很好的合作,在研发上的新技术。两家公司还对业务概念很多冲突和无效管理可能导致合作结束。从盈利能力的角度来看,这种合作并没有达到预期的前两年,直到第三季度的2003。在经济危机期间,索爱经历了艰难的时期。在过去的10年中,母公司有预期的回报。可以进行进一步的研究,讨论索爱是否可以更成功。它也可以相比,明基和西门子之间的合作。您在MQ学习遇到难题了吗?不要纠结了!马上了解 悉尼论文代写 服务 帮您解决学术ASSIGNMENT难题!


There are several technology management models. The Gregory frame work has been proposed in 1995 by M. J. Gregory. This process has been built based on previous work on technology management. There are several elements have been identified previously link to the technology management within organizations. Competence and capability are important to be analyzed within the organization to understand the strength and weakness. They also reflect how well the organization can satisfy the customers and how fast the organization may response the market. According to this analysis, the company can identify the suitable technology strategy. Organization learning is also widely used concept in technology management. R&D development and new product introduction are the processes which technology is applied in. Innovation activities are taken to deliver the customer satisfaction. [Gregory, 1995] However, there is no agreed framework for technology management has been proposed.

From both of their view, this collaboration is not easy to be conducted. Due to many issues and conflicts, Sony-Ericsson can’t achieve a maximum profit and increase the market share as expected. Technically, Sony Ericsson combined the core technology from Ericsson mobile business and Sony’s multimedia technology. This form of collaboration worked well in the first 3 years. Walkman mobile phone was released very successful. However, today’s mobile phone has been expected a lot from customers. Sony-Ericsson didn’t cooperate well to work on the R&D on new technology. The two companies still have a lot of conflicts on the business concept, and the inefficacy management on that may lead to an end of the cooperation. From the point view of the profitability, this collaboration didn’t achieve the expectation in the first two years until the third quarter of 2003. During the economic crisis period, Sony-Ericsson experienced tough time. The parent companies have expected payback in the last 10 years. The further research can be conducted to discuss whether Sony-Ericsson can be more successful. And it also can be compared to the collaboration between Siemens and BenQ.
