

青少年青少年面临许多社会和情感发展问题。在青少年阶段,青少年的生活,建立同一性,自主性,和成就是重要的发展部分(中篇小说,R.)。作为一个青少年,最重要的任务之一是试图回答这个问题,“我是谁?”这个问题,但是,是一个十几岁的青少年在整个青春期期间思考。青少年使用别人的想法和意见来自己喜欢和不喜欢。他们开始把父母、其他成年人和朋友的意见整合到他们自己的信仰和价值观上。有安全身份的青少年知道自己在哪里,或者不适合这个世界。一个非常重要的社会发展的组成部分是青少年的能力,建立自主。自治并不意味着别人不合群、完全独立。自主性是指在一个独立的人成为关系(中篇小说,R)。这意味着,青少年已经获得了独立的决定,根据他们认为是对或错的能力。青少年的自主性很重要,因为它能帮助他们减少对父母的感情依赖。为了在社会上变得自给自足,自治是青少年的一项必要的成就。成就也是青少年重要的社会发展行为,因为它帮助他们意识到自己的长处和短处。竞争与成功是美国文化的价值取向。美国文化受到竞争的巨大影响。真人秀节目的数量大幅增加,比如美国偶像和美国的Got Talent。这些节目代表完成的本质在美国文化的今天。个人主义和目的,在社会认知的发展,正如在青少年评估教科书中提到的,“道德推理是基于奖励和自我利益。换句话说,一个十几岁的青少年会努力取得好成绩被一所名牌大学”(冈比纳,2003,27页)。青少年需要学习他们的长处,实现自己的成就的喜好在哪里,在什么地方,他们都愿意为成功而奋斗(Novella,R.)。每个青少年都是独特的,总是会经历不同的社会和情感发展的问题。


The adolescent youth face many social and emotional development issues. At the adolescent stage in a teen’s life, establishing an identity, autonomy, and achievement are important developmental components (Novella, R.). As a teenager, one of the most important tasks is trying to answer the question, “Who am I?” This question, however, is one that teens think about throughout the course of their adolescent years. Teens use the thoughts and opinions of others to come to their own likes and dislikes. They begin to integrate the opinions of people like their parents, other adults, and friends to come their own beliefs and values. Teens who have a secure identity know where they do, or don’t fit in the world. A very important social developmental component is the ability for teens to establish autonomy. Autonomy does not mean being a loner and totally independent from others. Autonomy refers to becoming an independent person within relationships (Novella, R). This means that teens have gained the ability to make independent decisions based on what they feel is right or wrong. Autonomy is important for adolescent teens because it helps them become less emotionally dependent on parents. To become self-sufficient in society, autonomy is a necessary achievement for teens. Achievement is also an important social development behavior for teens because it helps them realize their strengths and weaknesses. Competition and success are valued attitudes in the American culture. The American culture is immensely influenced by competition. There has been a large increase in the number of reality shows produced like, American Idol and America’s Got Talent. These shows epitomize the essence of completion in American culture today. Individualism and purpose, in social cognition development, as stated in the Adolescent Assessment textbook, mentions that, “moral reasoning is based on rewards and self-interest. In other words, a teenager will work hard to obtain good grades to be accepted to a prestigious university” (Gumbiner, 2003, p.27). Teens need to study their strengths and realize where their achievement preferences are, and in what areas they are willing to strive for success (Novella, R.). Every teenager is unique and will invariably experience different social and emotion development issues.
