

因此,使用交互技术的好处可以根据课程的目标来衡量(Blake, 2013)。如果目标是达到对语言的完美理解,那么鼓励学生在自己的时间内进行互动的程度可能会受到质疑。然而,如果其目的是提供一个媒介中,学生可以练习写作和阅读工作,使他们能够理解其含义通过阅读其他同学的工作,确定它们清晰通过检查响应,那么这个技术可能是一个重要的方式来补充教师的工作(Kaliampos &施密特,2014)。对练习的评估可能有不同的方法,但最重要的方法可能是鼓励参与,语言练习,这可以证明有利于整体的语言学习目标(Pailly, 2013)。因此,它似乎是对这一教学环境的一项有效贡献,因为它不仅补充了学校提供的学习,而且提供了一种可能性,使语言学习能够涵盖在正式教学中不易涵盖的方面。综上所述,在语言教学中,有许多方法可以将技术应用到学习语境中。有一段时间以来,这些技术以不同的形式被用来作为语言教学的补充。自从有了这种技术以后,音频回放和电视的使用一直是语言学习的支柱。然而,随着计算机技术的迅速发展,简化这些方法成为可能,使这些媒体得以结合。此外,Web 2.0技术为在线学习社区提供了发展的机会,可以让人们对语言概念有默契的理解,也可以探索语言使用的不同特点。最终,技术似乎不太可能取代传统的以教师为基础的语言学习中心,但它可以提供一些重要的补充活动,在很大程度上有利于学习者。


The benefit of using the interactive technology may thus be gauged according to the aims of the class (Blake, 2013). If the aim is to achieve a perfect understanding of the language then the extent to which encouraging students to interact in their own time may be questioned (Beatty, 2013). However, if the aim is to provide a medium in which students may practise their writing and reading work, allowing them to interpret the meaning through reading other students’ work, and ascertain their clarity by examining the response, then this technology may prove an important way to supplement the teacher’s work (Kaliampos & Schmidt, 2014). There may be different approaches to the assessment of exercises, but perhaps the most important method in this is to encourage participation, language practice, and this can prove of benefit to overall language learning goals (Pailly, 2013). It would therefore seem an effective contribution to this teaching context as it not only complements the provision of learning in school but provides the possibility of allowing language learning to cover aspects not easily covered through formal teaching.In conclusion, there are a number of ways in which technology may be applied to the learning context in language teaching. Many of these have been used in different forms to complement language teaching for some time, and the use of audio playback and television has been a mainstay of language learning since such technology has been made available. However, with the rapid development of computer technology, it has become possible to streamline these approaches, allowing such media to be combined. Furthermore, Web 2.0 technology provides the opportunity for communities of learning to be developed online, which can allow tacit understanding of language concepts to be developed as well as different features of language use to be explored. Ultimately, it seems unlikely that technology can replace the traditional centrepiece of teacher-based language learning, but it can offer some important complementary activities that can benefit learners to a great extent.
