

在一项研究中得出结论,最受欢迎的产品之一是快餐和其他食品。这些广告对儿童的饮食行为和健康都有影响。许多相关的研究表明,看电视的时间长短与儿童和青少年超重和肥胖水平之间存在关联。为了控制儿童肥胖,必须努力把看电视时吃零食和吃东西分开。诸如“关掉电视周”等提高公众意识的活动正在兴起,当地学校、儿童保育和放学后限制儿童看电视和使用其他屏幕媒体的政策也在兴起。专家可以发挥关键作用,通过加强信息,支持家长和家庭制定和实施电视观看时间限制,限制高脂肪、高糖、高热量食品对儿童和青少年的营销和广告。Freeman, brucks, Wallendorf和Boland研究了在年轻人中使用有害产品的情况。例如,推销特定品牌的香烟与吸烟的易感性正相关。关于广告的另一个有争议的话题是,青少年吸烟人数正在上升。根据提示(烟草信息和预防来源),每天至少有6000人尝试第一次吸烟,他们都不到18岁。烟草广告被认为是青少年越来越多地使用烟草的罪魁祸首。许多广告批评家认为烟草广告确实影响和促进了青少年吸烟者的数量。然而,大多数青少年不同意,认为同龄人是他们决定吸烟的首要因素。由于形象对青少年来说非常重要,他们会评估他们的吸烟朋友所描绘的形象。如果他们也想要这样的形象,他们可能也会吸烟。青少年对香烟的态度是一个考虑因素,比导致青少年吸烟的广告排名要高。


worked on a research and concluded one of the most highly advertised products are fast food and other food products. These advertisements have an effect on children’s eating behaviour and healthiness. Many co-relational studies have demonstrated an association between the length of TV viewing and levels of overweight and obesity in both children and teenagers. In order to control Childhood obesity, efforts to separate snacking or eating while watching television must be made. Public awareness efforts such as TV (screen) turn-off week are gaining momentum, as are local school, childcare and after school policies to limit children’s television viewing and use of other screen media. Specialists can play a critical role by reinforcing messages, supporting parents and families in developing and implementing time limits for television viewing and restricting the marketing and advertising of high-fat, high sugar, high calorie foods to children and adolescents.Freeman, brucks, Wallendorf and Boland studied that use of harmful products among young people is on the climb. E.g. promoting specific brands of cigarettes is positively related to susceptibility to smoking. Another controversial topic with advertising is the fact that teenage smoking is on the rise. According to TIPS (Tobacco Information and Prevention Source), at least 6,000 people try a cigarette for the first time each day, all of which are under eighteen years old. Tobacco advertisements are being blamed for the increase use of tobacco by teenagers. Many advertising critics argue that tobacco ads do indeed influence and contribute to the number of teenage smokers. Most teens, however, disagree and believe that their peers are the number one factor in their decision to smoke. Since image is very important to teens, they assess what image their smoking friends portray. If they want that image too, they may also take up the practice of smoking. A teen’s attitude towards cigarettes is a considering factor, ranking over advertising that leads to teen smoking.
