

浴池是非常吸引人的地方。虽然大部分的装饰都没有保存下来,但许多作家评论了浴室的奢华,用诸如“明亮、可爱的马赛克、高拱形天花板、银色水龙头和配件、绘画和彩色大理石面板等”来描述这些装饰。这里还有一个大的入口或会议区,人们可以在那里散步、交谈或坐在两个大喷泉旁的座位上。古罗马的工程师发明了一种加热浴缸的系统。柱子和空间被留在墙壁里,这样火炉的热空气,或者叫praefurnium,可以在墙壁的空间里流通和流通。需要最热的房间被放置在最靠近火炉的地方,通过在熔炉里添加更多的木材可以增加热量。许多加热的房间和水池都能充分利用太阳的热量。在卡拉卡拉浴场,一个巨大的大厅,有一百十五英尺宽,有一个三英尺深的游泳池。为了加热它,大约需要50个大型火炉,以及几百万个防火的陶土砖或特殊的砖,叫做“特古拉”(tegulae mammatae)。澡堂也有大型公共厕所,通常有大理石座位,在通道上,水的连续流动形成了第一个“冲水马桶”。这些厕所是管道系统的重要组成部分,也是人们坐下来交谈的另一个共同领域。座位下面有源源不断的水流。在座位前面有一个浅水通道,上面有一些海绵,用来让人们擦干自己。


The baths were made to be very attractive and striking places. Although most of the decorations have not survived, many writers commented on the luxury of the bathhouses, describing them with words such as, “well-lighted, lovely mosaics, airy rooms with high vaulted ceilings, silver faucets and fittings, and paintings and colored marble panels.” There was also a large entrance or meeting area, where people could walk, talk, or sit on seats around two large fountains. Roman engineers invented a system of heating the baths called thehypocaust. Pillars and spaces were left inside the walls so that hot air from the furnace, or praefurnium, could circulate and flow through the space in the walls. Rooms that required the most heat were placed closest to the furnace and the heat could be increased by adding more wood to the furnace. Many heated rooms and pools were positioned to make the most of the heat of the sun. At the Baths of Caracalla, the hot room was an enormous hall that was one hundred and fifteen feet wide with a pool three feet deep.In order to heat it, approximately fifty large furnaces were needed as well as millions of fireproof terracotta bricks or special bricks called tegulae mammatae. Bathhouses also had largepublic latrines, usually with marble seats over channels whose continuous flow of water that established the first “flush toilets.” These toilets were a vital part of the plumbing system as well as another common area in which to sit and talk. There was a continuous water flow underneath the seats. A shallowwater channelin front of the seats providedsponges attached to sticksfor people to wipe themselves.
