

真正成为我们学校和我们的教室特别是变革的代理人,根本性的变化是必要的。缺乏教学知识往往使教师继续在他们的传统的教学方式,从而未能利用什么技术提供(vrandas与玻璃,2005)。教师必须离开做事情,他们被教导的学生(布鲁克斯年轻,2007),他们要把那些旧的方式在后面学习用新的方法来教,而他们没有自学的方法(哈格里夫斯等,2001;p.197)他们必须适应新的方法都看到做事情(Ertmer,)。必须有认识论的变化,心理学的变化,适用于学习,以及社会和关系的变化,以培养成功的学生配备了第二十一世纪的技能。学生第二十一世纪技能(美国,2010)定义为创造力和创新,研究和信息、沟通协作、批判性思维、问题解决和决策,数字公民和技术操作与概念(教育部,2010)。 对于认识论的变化,发生在笔记本电脑学习教室,教师必须首先,重新思考他们的角色说教的领导者,教师的知识和评估是特权。其次,教师需要确保他们的优势是什么构成学习因素的信念、教学和知识,不要限制自己的思维,矛盾的预防,可以利用新的技术和解决当前教育体制的不足的根本变化。第三,教师不应过分依赖教材,而是要推动知识资源和内容的新境界。


For the laptop to truly become a change agent in our schools and in our classrooms, in particular, fundamental change is needed. A lack of pedagogical knowledge often causes teachers to continue in their traditional ways of teaching, thus failing to take advantage of what the technology affords (Vrandas & Glass, 2005). Teachers have to move away from doing things as they were taught as students (Broooks-Young, 2007), they have to leave those old ways behind and learn to teach in new ways, ways in which they have not been taught themselves (Hargreaves et al , 2001; p.197) they must adapt to new methods of both seeing and doing things (Ertmer, ). There must be changes in epistemology, changes in psychology as applied to learning’, as well as social and relational change, in order to foster successful students equipped with 21st-century skills. 21st-century skills for students (ISTE, 2010) are defined as creativity and innovation, research and information, communication and collaboration, critical thinking, problem-solving and decision-making, digital citizenship and technology operations and concepts (MOE, 2010).For epistemological changes to take place in the laptop learning classroom, teachers must firstly, rethink their roles as didactic leaders, where the instructor’s knowledge and evaluation are privileged. Secondly, teachers need to ensure that their dominant beliefs of what constitutes the factors of learning, teaching, and knowledge, do not constrain their mindsets, paradoxically preventing the fundamental changes that can take advantage of new technologies and address the inadequacies in the current educational system. Thirdly, teachers must not rely heavily on textbooks but instead push new boundaries of knowledge resource and content.
