
文化研究论文代写 越南大学生参与阅读活动

文化研究论文代写 越南大学生参与阅读活动 这项研究给了我一个机会更多地了解我的学生,他们在不从事我的阅读课的时候会发生什么问题。在这项研究中,我也有机会访问许多有经验的语言教育工作者和教师的研究,从中我获得新的语言教学和学习的新知识,在一般和知识的有意义的任务,在教学中特别是广泛阅读。



At any time in the human history, reading has always been considered as an essential need of human life. It is also undeniable that despite the rapid advance of technology with the inventions of televisions, video, audiotapes and quick transmission of information, reading materials of all kinds is still of great significance. Moreover, the demand of getting needed, fresh and latest information calls for proper reading skills with appropriate materials and tasks. That is the very first reason for me to choose to do research on teaching reading.

The second reason for my research is the demanding requirement of my students’ future jobs – to work with English reading in most of their future working time as engineers of Information Technology. However, it is the fact that in most of my reading classes, many students are not deeply engaged in the lessons, which leads to their low level of assigned tasks’ completion and small improvement of skill proficiency. Some of them even say to me that the lessons are boring and not interested enough for them to engage in. One of the problems they listed is inappropriate or irrelevant tasks. Then, an issue emerges: how to improve those reading tasks to encourage the students to engage in my reading lessons. To my point of view, the answer lies in “meaningful” tasks which might be the cai dich ma moi gv deu co gang thuc hien.

The last but not least reason is that it is not easy to find a research on “meaninful tasks”. Researchers have done researches on “meaningful learning” (Yelland, 2000; Mayer, 2002 and Ashburn & Floden, 2006), “meaningful assessment” (Johnson & Johnson, 2002; Brantley, 2005 and Musical et al, 2008), “meaningful contexts” of learning (Kramsch, 2000 and Almasi, 2003), etc and some have mentioned the term “meaningful tasks” (Nunan, 1989; Foertsch, 1992; Ohashi & Ohashi, 1993 and Richards & Rodgers, 2001). However, it is hard to find any previous studies which do research thoroughly on meaningful tasks, especially in the context of English teaching and learning in Vietnam in general and in the reading classes in particular.

All the above-stated reasons have given me the motive to choose the topic “Using meaningful tasks to increase Vietnamese College non-major students’ engagement in extensive reading activities”.

Statement of research questions

This study aims at finding answers to the following research questions:

What do “meaningful” reading tasks look like in a Vietnamese college non-major classroom?

How can such tasks be implemented to increase Vietnamese non-major students’ engagement in extensive reading activities?

Both the questions are addressed to one of the reading classes that I am teaching this term in College of Technology, Hanoi National University with the aim to find the tasks that are more meaningful and appropriate for my students to engage them more in the extensive reading activities.

文化研究论文代写 越南大学生参与阅读活动
