

学生们将学习如何明智地存钱和花钱。向孩子们传授年轻时的理财技巧是很重要的(Shin, 2013)。在工作表的第一部分,我们试图提高他们的阅读和口语能力。阅读和演讲技能对孩子的成长至关重要,但这对他们在学校和工作中的成功很重要。选择题可以考虑为一个简单的层次,因为他们只需要识别正确的答案。对于AEP学生,他们可以通过从工作表中显示的图表中找出单词来训练他们的批判性思维技能。在这里,他们还可以提高语法技能。学生们会做一些关于“做”和“不做”的练习。他们将被要求写下一个关于所展示的图片中的动作的简短句子。接下来,还会有一些问题,学生需要计算拥有每种宠物的总成本,并写一个简短的句子来回答直接的问题。另外,既然话题是关于储蓄和支出的明智,学生需要写下他们的日常开支的使用。他们所节省的图片也可以画在提供的空间里,因为他们会被要求画出来。这可以提高他们的省钱意识。


students are going to learn about how to save and spend money wisely. It is important to teach children about the financial skills from young (Shin, 2013). In the first part of the worksheet, we try to enhance their reading and speaking skills. Reading and speaking skills are critical to children’s development, but it is important for their success in school and work (Boyse, 2010). Multiple choice questions can consider as an easy level, because they just need only recognize a correct answer (Popham, 2011). For the AEP students, they can train their critical thinking skills from finding out the words from the diagram that had shown in the worksheet. Here, they can also improve their grammar skills. The students will do some exercises on the “do” and “don’t”. They will be asked to write down a short sentence regarding the action in the pictures that had been shown. Moving on, there will also be questions where students need to calculate the total cost for owning each type of pet and write a short sentence in response to a direct question (Popham, 2011). In additional, since the topic is about saving and spending wisely, students need to write down their daily usage of their spending. Picture of what they are saving for also can be drawn in the space provided, as they will be asked to draw it. This can enhance their awareness in saving money.
