

它也解决了最大振幅应条目的语言但是一些条目的不同可能重叠,有时也可能出现在直接相互冲突,然后责任的法院调解他们之间的条目,带来和谐。这样,在大多数情况下,就有可能对各节的措词作出合理和实际的解释,以调和各节所包含的各自权力,并使所有这些权力生效。在Tika Ramji诉Uttar Pradesh一案中,[3]最高法院澄清了这些行业的立场。1953年的《联合甘蔗(供应和采购管理)法》(vires of U.P. sugar蔗,Regulation of Supply and Purchase, Act)就涉及到这一案件。有人争辩说,由于清单一第52项属于议会的立法权限,被“控制”的甘蔗工业属于联盟清单的管辖范围。因此,最高法院必须解释清单一第52项、清单二第24项和第27项以及清单三第33项之间的相互关系。表二第24项和表一第52项规定,除“受控制”的工业外,工业一般属于国家范围。《清单II》第27条赋予国家权力,根据《清单III》第33条的规定,对“货物”的生产、供应和分配进行管制。被管制的制糖业,即该管制工业的产品的分销、供应和生产,即糖作为制成品,


It is also well settled that widest amplitude should be given to the language of Entries but some of the entries in the different Lists…may overlap and sometimes may also appear to be in direct conflict with each other, it is then duty of this court to reconcile the entries and bring about harmony between them. In this way it may, in most cases, be found possible to arrive at a reasonable and practical construction of the language of the sections, so as to reconcile the respective powers they contain and to give effect to all of them. In Tika Ramji v. State of Uttar Pradesh, [3] the position of the industries was clarified by Supreme Court. In the instant case the vires of U.P. Sugarcane (Regulation of Supply and Purchase) Act, 1953 was involved. It was contended that sugarcane being ‘controlled’ industry fall within the jurisdiction of the Union List by virtue of Entry 52 of List I falls within the legislative purview of Parliament. The Supreme Court, therefore, had to explain the Inter-relation between Entries 52 of List I, 24 and 27 of List II and 33 of List III. Entry 24 of List II and 52 of List I establish that except ‘controlled’ industries, the industries generally fells within the State Sphere. Entry 27 of List II gives power to State to regulate the production, supply and distribution of ‘goods’ subject to provisions of Entry 33 of List III. The sugar industry being controlled industry, the distribution, supply and production of the product of this controlled industry viz. Sugar as a finished product,
