

但公民教育将继续留在课程中,因为围绕这个议程有很多猜测。根据理查德森(2010)的“公民教育协会说,它理解的主题将成为非法定在即将到来的课程改革”。同时在白皮书中“教学”的重要性没有提到公民教育在本文件但他们讨论这本文件于。因此,除非人们采取行动来挽救这一状况,否则公民教育的未来将显得黯淡。在我看来,我认为公民身份应该而且不应该成为课程的一部分,因为它是教育孩子们政治的唯一课题。另一方面,这个问题不应该在课程,因为孩子们觉得这个科目无聊,他们只是在这些课乱。如果这种情况发生,它将使英国成为最不懂政治的人。 本节将讨论宗教教学的观点是:在课程中增加另一个课程,如公民身份,将给予学生更少的宗教教育时间。Broadbent和棕色(2002 p.174)的关注,由宗教教育教师,PSHE和公民教育课程纳入离散可能会严重侵犯课程时间分配的重新表达了迄今为止。与此相反,公民教育不会影响宗教教育在课程中的地位。在课程的布朗奇州的宗教教育的地位将保持不变(Watson 2004节)。辩论的另一方可能是废除宗教教育。华生。(2004节)建议宗教教育与公民教育在公立学校的替代。然而,在学校的教学公民的观点是,重要的是,孩子们理解和尊重自己和他人。在讨论和辩论时信任他人并具有高度自信是很重要的。然而一些人担心它可能变成一个公民的教训。一些教师希望公民身份来取代宗教教育,因为我们可以教这些价值观公民身份的社会中的好公民。


My experience of citizenship in schools was not very good because we did not learn about this subject but we did study PSHE which was during tutorials. Throughout this period we carried out activities such as worksheets on drugs and sex education. We did not learn about political aspects or how to be good citizens in this lesson and we did not have debates on issues. I have also enclosed a school timetable on how citizenship education is included in the curriculum. From looking at the timetable they teach citizenship as an individual subject, which is taught every week for one hour. When I asked some pupils what they thought of citizenship nearly all the pupils I asked said that it is boring and the only thing the class did was misbehave and mess about in this lesson. Rutter (2002, p.76) suggests that ‘pupil motivation towards citizenship education is poor’. They also told me that the teacher did not care that children were misbehaving in class. The reason for this could be that the teacher who was teaching this lecture was not a specialist teacher in this field but I found that she was a science teacher asked to teach this lesson. According to Rutter most schools citizenship education aid taught by nonspecialist who have no experience in teaching social sciences.In conclusion, citizenship will teach the political side of the viewpoint and about society. Since Watson (2004, p.267) argues that ‘citizenship education while educating for citizenship in its own right by developing the understanding of our society and particular contributions religious debate can make to the development of the active citizen’. Citizenship education has a number of weaknesses as discussed in this assignment previously. But the main ones are that there are few specialist teachers which lead the school to ask non-specialist teachers to teach this lesson and these teachers lack knowledge in this area.

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