

学士LIS教育预计将提供大量的学生通过本科院校。在这方面,学生必须选择LIS课程/论文作为荣誉或通行证与其他共同科目,以及其他课程,如历史,政治学和社会学等,持续时间也应该是3年。完成学士学位课程的学生可以获得2年的硕士课程。在LIS UGC模式的课程,在2001发布建议两年综合m.lib.i.sc课程采用,但是大部分的LIS学校几乎没有遵循这一建议。 课程、期限、论文名、内容、讲课与实践、教学评价方法、评分制度存在较大差距。因此,它成为必要的课程进行修订,增加对传统技术和哲学方面的重视以及介绍如产品和服务、营销知识管理领域,信息系统的在线信息系统,信息处理和检索系统、信息和通信技术,这样做也需要大量的时间。修订后的课程必须能够为未来的专业人士准备迎接挑战,强制合作部门。该地区缺乏培训、就业或实习的准备。


The Bachelor’s LIS education is expected to be offered to a large number of students through degree colleges. In this the student has to choose LIS courses/papers as honors or pass paper with other common subjects along with other courses i.e. history, political science, and sociology, etc and the duration should also be 3 years. The students who complete the Bachelor’s education with LIS courses/papers would be eligible to be admitted to the Master’s program of 2 years. UGC model Curriculum in LIS, released in 2001 suggested adoption of two-year integrated M.Lib.I.Sc Course, but still most of the LIS schools hardly follow this recommendation.There is a wide disparity in the courses, duration, number and name of papers, contents, a number of lectures and practical, the method of teaching and evaluation, and grading system. Therefore, it become essential that curricula be revised by increasing emphasis on traditional technique and philosophical aspects as well as introduce emerging areas such as marketing of product and services, knowledge management, information system online information system, information processing and retrieval system and information and communication technology and to do this there required a great deal of time. Revised curriculum must be capable of preparing the future professionals to meet the challenges enforced cooperate sector. Provision for training placement, job placement or internship is lacking in the region.

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