

在教育技术学科中,最近出现了一种呼吁,要求在这个研究机构中关注社会公正的需要(Selwyn, 2006)。以前,关注社会问题的轨迹往往是社会学和政治学等社会科学其他学科的研究范围。然而,Selwyn(2006)鼓励对教育技术的“批判性”思考。他说:“对教育技术的学术研究已经被一种(通常是抽象的)对人们如何利用数字技术学习的过程的兴趣所主导”(第66页)。他接着说,“研究人员和作家[应该]对教育技术的使用(和不使用)所处的社会、政治、经济、文化和历史背景表现出更强烈的兴趣”是十分必要的(第66页)。虽然塞尔温的主张在撰写本文的十多年后才发表,但对这一重要主题的需求已呈指数级增长,而且其语料库充其量也只是贫血。Gutierrez和Jurow(2016)针对教育技术中社会正义工作的需求进行的另一项最新研究。利用社会设计实验的框架,作者断言,可以有明确的研究目的,促进服务不足人口的需求。这种方法的关键是,它利用教育原则和机会为更广泛的社会和社区问题服务,并解决平等和正义的障碍。他们直接指出,“社会设计实验作为一种方法的区别在于,它寻求一种设计过程,力求成为基本社会变革过程的一部分”(第566页)。缺医少药人群的想法也是有自己的路径通过教育基于边缘化群体的挑战以及使用这种设计开放的方法来解决这些困难.Another原则作为讨论古铁雷斯et al。(2016)是,个人-尤其是那些社会的重点设计实验——是一个更大的历史背景的一部分。了解他们在社会上的不平等地位如何塑造了他们的生活,以及如何有益地利用这些知识,就是利用不平等来解决问题本身


Within the discipline of Educational Technology, there has been a fairly recent call to attend to the need for social justice within this body of research (Selwyn, 2006). Previously, the trajectory focusing on social issues has often been the purview of other disciplines within the Social Sciences such as Sociology and Political Science. However, Selwyn (2006) encourages “critical” thinking about Educational Technology. He states, “the academic study of educational technology has grown to be dominated by an (often abstracted) interest in the processes of how people can learn with digital technology” (p. 66). He goes on to say that it is imperative that, “researchers and writers [should be] showing a keener interest in the social, political, economic, cultural and historical contexts within which educational technology use (and non-use) is located” (p. 66). While Selwyn’s claim was published over ten years from the writing of this text, the need has grown exponentially and the corpus of this important subject is anemic at best.Another more recent piece of research that addresses the need for social justice work within Educational Technology is by Gutiérrez and Jurow (2016). Using the framework of social design experimentation, the authors assert that there can be research that has the express purpose of promoting the needs of underserved populations. The key to this approach is that it uses educational principles and opportunities to serve the wider social and community issues as well as addressing the obstacles to equality and justice. Straight to the point, they argue, “what sets social design experimentation apart as an approach is that it seeks a design process that strives to be a part of the process of fundamental social transformation” (p. 566). The idea is also that underserved populations have their own paths through education based on the challenges of being a marginalized group as well as using this design to open up ways to work through these difficulties .Another principle as discussed by Gutiérrez et al. (2016) is that individuals – especially those that are the focus of social design experimentation – are part of a larger historical context. Understanding how their unequal place in society has shaped their lives, and how that knowledge can be used beneficially, uses inequity to solve the problem of itself
