

这项研究的目的是探索在豪登省门控社区的看法。虽然已经进行了相当多的研究,但没有研究开始测量对豪登省门控社区的认知。 Wetering(2000)记录了关于封闭社区的报纸剪报,调查问卷,业权契据,采访和物业估价的公众意见。 Beall(2002)探讨了约翰内斯堡两个封闭社区对不安全感和社会排斥过程的认识(2002)。 Landman(2004)通过半结构化访谈,空间信息和文档审查探索了各种群体对封闭社区的看法。 Landman,Lemanski和Durington(2008)最近的一项研究探讨了在约翰内斯堡,德班和开普敦的住宅门控的经验。在本研究中,通过对居民,复杂管理者,开发商和城市官员的半结构化访谈收集数据。由于所采用的定性研究方法,所述研究在其样品大小方面有限。拟议的研究将使用定量研究方法通过调查研究设计,将允许研究人员从大量的人收集可量化的信息。此外,最近的研究没有记录对门控社区的看法。这项研究旨在通过记录最近对豪登省门控社区的认识来弥补这一文献差距。研究者相信,这项研究将对现有关于门控社区认知的文献作出有价值的贡献。



The purpose of this study is to explore perceptions of gated communities in Gauteng. Although considerable research has been conducted no research has set out to measure perceptions of gated communities in Gauteng. Wetering (2000) documented public opinions on gated communities from newspaper clippings, questionnaires, title deed slips, interviews and property valuations. Beall (2002) explored perceptions of insecurity and processes of social exclusion across two gated communities in Johannesburg (2002). Landman (2004) explored the perceptions of various groups on gated communities through semi-structured interviews, spatial information and document review. A more recent study by Landman, Lemanski and Durington (2008) explored the experiences of residential gating in Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town. In this study data was collected through semi-structured interviews with residents, complex managers, developers and city officials. The stated studies are limited in their sample sizes because of the qualitative research approach employed. The proposed study will use the quantitative research approach through a survey research design which will allow the researcher to collect quantifiable information from a large number of people. Additionally no recent studies have documented perceptions of gated communities. This study aims to fill this literature gap by documenting recent perceptions on gated communities in Gauteng. The researcher is confident this study will make a valuable contribution to the available literature on perceptions of gated communities.

Research indicates that there has been an increase in the number of gated communities worldwide; in South Africa Gauteng has the highest number of requests. According to Arde & McDonald there are 1730 gated communities in South Africa and more than half of these are in Gauteng (2009). Despite the high number of requests for gated communities in South Africa there are hardly any policies in place to address these requests (Landman, 2000). This study aims to develop guidelines to assist in decisions regarding gated communities. The lack of proper policies and guidelines to deal with gated communities has fuelled a debate on the legality of these structures. The law permits municipal councils to impose a restriction on access to any public place, for purposes of enhancing safety and security (Landman & Schönteich, 2002). However critics have argued that restricting access to public places is in conflict with the general tenor of the Development Facilitation Act of 1995 and the South African Bill of Rights (Landman & Schönteich, 2002). The researcher has high hopes that this study will be useful in assisting decision makers, policy makers and lawmakers to understand gated communities and to identify appropriate interventions to deal with them in Gauteng.
